
Yet another ClojureScript UI framework



Yet another UI Framework (in ClojureScript).


I was building something like this before React.js came out. When I got scooped on the render-loop / virtual-dom design, I went on to other side projects. However, the time has come to revisit this and my abandoned design notes featuring details that I feel no other project has gotten right quite yet. The time is now because I've also got an application that I want to build and none of the existing platforms exactly meet my criteria.

Watch this space or Twitter for updates, including motivation and design notes.

I've written some initial thoughts on design principles.


Don't. At least not yet.

But if you want to play with it, there's a partial TodoMVC implementation and some driver code for it. Do the lein figwheel thing.


One thing you could contribute is a better name. Any ideas? :-)

Since this project is still in the incubation stage, I'm mostly interested in contributions in the form of thoughtful discussions. Once the design principles are validated and the API stablizes, I'll be interested in a wider variety of contributions. That said, don't hesitate to reach out!


Copyright © 2015 Brandon Bloom

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.