
Sample service-driven web application using Clojure, ClojureScript, Monger, Enfocus, Noir, and Fetch. Created for CinJug April 2012 Presentation.


h1. The Great Todo

h2. Sample Clojure Web Application

Here is what you will need to compile this application




h2. Building and Running

Once these are installed you can build and run the application with the following steps

$>lein cljsbuild once

$>lein run

Navigate to "http://localhost:10012":http://localhost:10012

h2. Technologies Used

"Enfocus": - Templating and dom manipulation

"Monger": - Clojure to Mongo DB library

"Noir": - Simple Clojure web framework

"Fetch": - Basic RMI between ClojureScript and Clojure

h1. Happy Hacking!