
Clippy for your Atom.

OTHER License



Clippy (and friends) for your Atom.

Using Clippy from your Atom package

You can use the Clippy service in your own Atom packages. This requires that the user has the Clippy package installed.

In your package.json file add the following:

  "consumedServices": {
    "clippy": {
      "versions": {
        "^1.0.0": "consumeClippyService"

Then in your plugin code add a consumeClippyService method (also returning a disposable):

{Disposable} = require 'atom'

clippy = null

module.exports =
  consumeClippyService: (service) ->
    clippy = service
    new Disposable -> clippy = null

  activate: ->
    atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'hello', ->
      if clippy
        clippy.speak 'Hello world'

The clippy service object provides the following (more to come):

  • animations property that returns a list of valid animations
  • animate(animation) method that animates Clippy (parameter is optional)
  • speak(text) method that makes Clippy speak

You can refer to the Raptorize package for a working example.

For more detailed documentation, refer to the Atom documentation.

Special Thanks

  • Smore for developing Clippy.JS the jQuery plugin that this package was ported from
  • Cinnamon Software for developing Double Agent
    the program that was used to unpack Clippy and his friends!
  • Microsoft, for creating Clippy :)