
Ember CLI integration for the Atom editor

MIT License


Ember CLI Helper

ember-cli integration in Atom. Currently maintained by @lamabiker, previously maintained by @mariusandra, originally created by @alexlafroscia. Development originally sponsored by Apprentus.

Feel free to open issues if you find something. Pull requests are more than welcome!

Keyboard shortcuts

Keybinding Action
ctrl+alt+e Toggle between the component/controller and the template
ctrl+alt+s Toggle between the component and the styles/component.sass file
ctrl+alt+a     Opens all .hbs files where the current component is called        
ctrl+alt+r Toggle between the controller and the route
ctrl+alt+enter Jump into templates. Press when cursor over {{forms/super-select ...}} to open templates/components/forms/super-select.hbs


Command Description
Server Runs ember server in the root folder of the project.
Test Runs ember test in the root folder of the project
Generate Opens the panel to run a generator
Exit Stops a currently running process
Minimize Show and hide the output panel, without hiding everything else
Close Hide the entire panel


Running the generators through Atom is really easy. When you first open the panel, it will bring up a list of file types to generate. This list is based on the output of ember g --help, and therefore should include all future blueprints as well as those added by addons automatically. Once you select a type, you'll be prompted to enter a name, and the output will appear in orange in the bottom panel.

Help! It's broken!

That might be the case! But first, check if specifying the path to the Ember and NPM packages fixes your problems. It probably, hopefully will. If it doesn't, please file an issue so I can try fixing it!

Known limitation: make sure your ember project is the first project (first in the list) opened in Atom.


Setting Purpose Default Value
Generate Coffeescript Have all of the generators make CoffeeScript files instead of Javascript false
Path To Ember Executable Point the CLI helper to the Ember executable on your computer /usr/local/bin/ember
Path To node Executable Point the CLI helper to the node executable on your computer /usr/local/bin/node

Todo List | Pipeline

  • Add a 'cleaner' tool that scans for unused components
  • Open ember-cli-helper automatically if the package uses the Ember CLI
  • Differentiate a task's button from the others when it is active
  • Use the editor's theme to get colours for success and error in the command output
  • Give some sort of visual feedback about the running command when the panel is minimized
  • Include a panel for running the file generators
  • Add convenience shortcuts to switch between component and template (and route and ...)
  • Add option to enter components when clicking something over {{forms/super-select ... }} --> opens components/forms/super-select.js


Some users have experienced problems running the commands when they opening their project through the File > Open menu. If this happens to you, try opening the project from the command line with the atom command see if that fixes the issue.

If the generators button doesn't work, ember-cli-helper probably can't find your ember project. Double check all the paths and make sure your ember project is the first opened project.

Very special thanks to @alexlafroscia for creating the original atom plugin and to @mariusandra maintaining it!

Special thanks to @nickclaw and his atom-grunt-runner package, which was @alexlafroscia's inspiration for building this and a big help in putting it together.

Extracted from project README
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