
yet another personal ember addon

MIT License



JS dependencies

*Optional: ember-data-filter liquid-fire ember-cli-sass ember-cli-font-awesome

*Required torii ember-bootstrap ember-simple-auth ember-cpm ember-cli-coffeescript ember-moment ember-lodash ember-truth-helpers ember-notify ember-concurrency ember-cli-page-object ember-power-select ember-bootstrap-datetimepicker ember-cli-format-number ember-form-tool ember-phoenix-chan ember-modal-dialog ember-timezone-input

Phoenix Ember addon for rapidly building jsonapi backends

Note: This is super alpha software! Use at your own peril

TODO: Implement Action Symmetry aka multi-action

There is a natural symmetry in a lot of actions between models

For example, a truck can dock at a dock, but a dock can also be docked at by a truck.

The dock action takes 2 parameters (dock and truck), so it seems possible to automatically implement how such "symmetric" action situations are handled using the FSM

TODO: linkable attributes

allow all attributes to take a link decorator

TODO: Smarter Routes

Allow routes to automatically detected if we're in a namespace, model, collection, or page and have better default choices for model

Howto: Test

The server-side tests live in the sample app named dummy test by doing:

cd dummy
mix test

In order to test the js end of autox, you'll need to run the server dummy:

cd dummy
iex -S mix phoenix.server

Then, open up another terminal tab and run:

ember s

Then, open up your browser and navigate to localhost:4200/tests


In order to ultra rapidly scaffold out the backend, I make the following assumptions about your back-end. If any of them are not true for you, I highly recommend against using this library as it may cause irreparable damage to your app.

  1. You don't have any user data in your db and therefore can drop and re-create it on a whim
  2. You won't ever care to "optimize" at the application level
  3. You will use ember-data and phoenix
  4. In your routers, you namespace like this:
scope "apiv1", Apiv1 do

Instead of like this:

scope "api/v1", Apiv1 do

Yeah, don't nest shit unnecessarily 5. If your app needs session authentication, you're naming the models "Session", and "User" (this decision is not negotiable, go use another library if you don't like it) 6. There is no zeroth level route; i.e., everything lives in a scope block


The ember side has a large number of dependencies; they are as listed:

ember install ember-bootstrap-datetimepicker
ember install ember-cli-format-number
ember install ember-cpm
ember install foxnewsnetwork/ember-form-tool
ember install ember-lodash
ember install ember-moment
ember install ember-notify
ember install ember-phoenix-chan
ember install ember-power-select
ember install ember-truth-helpers

To start your Phoenix app:

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  3. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

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