
Wrapper around Synapse for easy data binding between models and views.

GPL-3.0 License



.. image:: :alt: Travis CI build status :target:!/passy/backbone.datalink

Simple wrapper around Synapse to keep data between your Backbone models and views in sync.


Synapse <>_ must be installed and configured with both the jQuery and Backbone Model hook.


The library itself can be installed via the volo <>_ package manager::

volo add passy/backbone.datalink

Alternatively, you can grab the latest version here:

  • Uncompressed <>_
  • Uglified <>_

Backbone.DataLink supports the UMD <>_ and can be loaded in CommonJS environments, via AMD and as traditional browser script.


require(['synapse', 'synapse/jquery', 'synapse/backbone-model', 'datalink'],
    function (Synapse, JQueryHook, BackboneModelHook, DataLink) {
        Synapse.hooks = [Synapse, JQueryHook, BackboneModelHook];


To sync the elements title and description of your model with the corresponding input fields in your rendered view, add this after your rendering is done::

datalink.linkView(this, ['title', 'description'])

Your template may look like this::

<input data-bind=title>
<textarea data-bind=description>

To override the default settings, provide a hash as third parameter::

datalink.linkView(this, ['title', 'description'], {prefill: false})

To override certain settings for specific elements, provide a fourth parameter::

datalink.linkView(this, ['title', 'description'], {prefill: true}, {
    'title': {attribute: "name"},
    'description': {prefill: false}


  • bind, default syncWith
    • Binding function. One of 'syncWith', 'observe' or 'notify'.
  • attribute, default data-bind
    • HTML attribute to look for to map model attributes.
  • ignoreEmpty, default false
    • If false, raises an exception if an element could not be bound.
  • prefill, default true
    • Fill observed elements with model data on load.
  • triggerOnBind, default false
    • Fire change event after binding.


There are some projects with similar goals:

  • Backbone.ModelBinder <>_
  • backbone.modelbinding <>_


Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 3 licenses.