
Riak ODM for Node.js

APACHE-2.0 License



Riak ODM for Node.js.


  • Uses the Riak PBC interface via RiakPBC
  • Uses jsonschema for schema definitions and validation
  • Uses Q for both Promise and conventional Node.js callbacks



Installation is easy. Add --save to the end of the install to update your project package.json.

$ npm install zukai


{createClient} = require 'riakpbc'
{createModel} = require 'zukai'

Book = createModel
  name: 'Book'
  bucket: 'books'
  connection: createClient()
        type: 'string'
        required: true

bell = Book.create title: 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
bell.put (err)->
  console.log 'saved'


Plugins are reusable components for Models. Plugins typically modify the Model schema, install hooks, or both. This example adds a new property named author:

authorPlugin = (model, options)->
  model.schema.properties.author =
    type: 'string'
    required: true

Books.plugin authorPlugin


Hooks are functions that are called at various points in the life cycle of objects.

Pre- and post-create hooks are called synchronously and are passed only one value, the object. All other hooks are called asynchronously and are passed two values, the object and the continuation callback. Asynchronous hooks must call the continuation callback (i.e., next()) to continue processing the operation, and may indicate an error by supplying a value, e.g., next(my_error).

Model.pre('create', callback)

Pre-create hooks run after a new object is created and default properties are set but before the object document is validated. Example:

Book.pre 'create', (object)->
  object.doc.title = object.doc.title.toUpperCase()
Model.post('create', callback)

Post-create hooks run after the object document is validated but before the object is returned from the create function.

Model.pre('del', callback)

Pre-delete hooks run before the object is removed from the bucket. If a hook indicates an error (by calling next() with a value), the object will not be removed and the promise will be rejected.

Model.post('del', callback)

Post-delete hooks run after the object is successfully removed from the bucket but before the del event is emitted and before the promise is resolved. Any error produced by a post-delete hook will cause the promise to be rejected.

Model.pre('put', callback)

Pre-put hooks run before the object is put to the bucket. If the hook indicates an error, the object will not be saved. Example:

Book.pre 'put', (object, next)->
  object.doc.title = object.doc.title.toUpperCase()
Model.post('put', callback)

Post-put hooks run after the object is successfully saved to the bucket but before the put event is emitted and before the promise is resolved. Any error produced by a post-put hook will cause the promise to be rejected.


Models emit events using EventEmitter2. The value passed to each event is the model object.

Options for the event emitter are passed in via options.events to the createModel function. For example, to enable wildcard events, you would define your model like this:

Talker = createModel
  name: 'Talker'
    wildcard: true

The create event is emitted after the object has been fully instantiated and validated and after all of the post-create hooks have run.


The del event is emitted after the object is removed from the bucket and after all post-delete hooks have run.


The put event is emitted after the object is put to the bucket and after all post-save hooks have run.


zukai.createModel([name], definition)

Factory function that creates a new Model.

  • name optional string, the name of the model

The definition object should have keys thusly:

  • name, required string (if first parameter is missing), the name of the model
  • bucket, optional, the name of the Riak bucket from which to read and write
    objects; if omitted, the bucket name will be the pluralized form of the model name
  • connection, optional for create (but required for most operations), an instance
    of the RiakPBC client
  • schema, optional, JSON schema
  • indexes, optional, a function that returns an array of indexes included in
    the put() call

Prototypical model used to create other models via the createModel function described above. You can change any property or function on this object to effect all models created (but you shouldn't really have to, either).

Model.create([key], [values])

Static method that creates and returns an object of the given Model.

  • key, optional string, if given will be the key for the object
    within the bucket
  • values, optional object, properties to set on the model object
Model.get([key], [options], [callback])

Static method that reads the value at the given key from the model's bucket. Returns a promise.

  • key, required string if not present in options, string, the key to read
  • options, optional object, passed to the connection get call
  • callback, optional function, called with (error, object) after read
    is complete.
object.put([options], [callback])

Static method to save the object document to the model's bucket. Returns a promise.

  • options, optional object, passed to the connection put call
  • callback, optional function, called with (error) after save
    is complete.
object.del([options], [callback])

Deletes the model object from the model's bucket. Returns a promise.

  • options, optional object, passed to the connection del call
  • callback, optional function, called with (error) after delete is
object.link(tag, [target])

Returns links associated with this object that match the tag and bucket.

  • tag required string, the link name to retrieve
  • target optional string, the name of the bucket to filter retrieved links

The return value will be a link description or an array of link descriptions if more than one link matches.

object.link(tag, target, [dupes=false])

Associates the object with the target using the given tag using links. Pass in a truthy value as the third argument to allow multiple links for the same key/bucket/tag triple.

  • tag required string, the name to use for the relationship
  • target required model object, the object to relate to this one

Note that the object is not put to the bucket after relating it to another object, you have to do that explicitly.

Also note that the target object doesn't have to be a model instance. Any object with key and bucket attributes will work.

Model.model(name) or object.model(name)

Returns the Model object matching the given model name or bucket. If no match is found, returns undefined.

  • name, required string, the model name or bucket to match
object.walk([options], [callback])

Retrieves the model objects(s) associated with this one. Returns a promise that resolves to the linked objects, or null if no linked objects exist.

  • options, optional object, supply a tag key with the named relation, or
    '*' to retrieve all related objects
  • callback, optional function, called with (err, documents) when the walk
    is complete

The walk function makes a map reduce request that fetches the related documents with one request.

object.indexSearch(query, [callback])

Makes an index search request, using the index and parameters in the query object. The callback is run with (err, keys) when complete. Returns a promise.

  • query, required object, supply qtype and other query parameters
  • callback, optional function, called when complete

The current model object's document. This is the value read and written to the model's bucket.


This attribute will be an error object if the object document failed schema validation, otherwise it will be false.


The last reply from the client connection. This value is used internally the various model object functions (for the vector clock, etc).

object.pre(keyword, callable)

Installs a hook to run before the given keyword.

  • keyword required string, one of create, put, del
  • callable required function, the hook function to run
object.post(keyword, callable)

Installs a hook to run after the given keyword.

  • keyword required string, one of create, put, del
  • callable required function, the hook function to run

Returns an object suitable for serialization. Unless replaced, this function returns the object.doc value.

object.plugin(factory, options)

Runs the plugin factory, passing the Model and options objects to it. See the Plugins section above.


Decodes the given string into a document. The default implementation is JSON.parse. Replace encode and decode methods if you need to use documents that are not JSON.


Encodes the given value into a string. The default implementation is JSON.stringify.


Object with the default values used when calling the connection put method. The keys and values in the object mirror the defaults in the PBC Store Object documentation.


Object with the default values used when calling the connection get method. The keys and values in the object mirror the defaults in the PBC Fetch Object documentation.


Object with the default values used when calling the connection del method. The keys and values in the object mirror the defaults in the PBC Delete Object documentation.

Model.registry and object.registry

Object with all models created by the library. Super nice for looking up models by name at runtime. Used internally by the walk function to instantiate linked values into model objects.

object.setDefaults(schema, doc)

Called to update doc with default values.


Called to get the default value from the schema property. If the value is a function, it's called without arguments and its result is used as the default value.


05 June 2013 - release 0.1.1
  • minor bugfixes
  • more tests
01 June 2013 - release 0.1.0
  • intial release


As far as I can tell, "zukai" (図解) is a Japanese word for "schematic".


Copyright 2013, Troy Melhase.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.