
Adds precompilation of CoffeeScript files and all the basic generation types to the ember generate command.

MIT License


CoffeeScript support for ember-cli Build Status

Adds precompilation of CoffeeScript files and all the basic generation types to the ember generate command, as well as linting.


  • Generating files in CoffeeScript with ember generate
  • Preprocessing CoffeeScript-files in your app, including tests
  • Linting your CoffeeScript-files.


ember install ember-cli-coffeescript

NB: ember-cli-coffeescript is tested using ember-cli version 2.3.0 and up. Some of it probably works on earlier versions, but I wouldn't know.

How to use


Run ember help generate to get a list of available blueprints. Use them by running ember g <blueprint> <args>. For instance, to generate a component:

ember g component my-component

ember-cli-coffeescript comes with pod-support for the same blueprints as ember-cli does. Check out the ember-cli docs for pods for instructions on how to use it.

If you'd like to use ember-cli-coffeescript without the blueprints, you can add the following to your config/environment.js:

ENV.coffeeOptions = {
  blueprints: false

This will make it fall back to the next blueprints in line (probably the ones from ember-cli).


This will happen automatically - no work necessary.


If you have a coffeelint.json file in the root of you project we will automatically pick up on it and start running linting on files when using the ember build and ember serve commands. If you do not want linting to run despite having a coffeelint.json file, use the following configuration in your config/environment.js.

ENV.coffeeOptions = {
  lint: false

You can set lint to true to enable linting with the default configurations even without a custom coffeelint.json file.

You can find all the available options on the website for coffeelint.

If you want to specify a different path for your coffeelint.json file you can specify the path (relative to the project directory or absolute)

ENV.coffeeOptions = {
  lint: {
    configPath: "configurations/coffeelint.json"

If you want to change the way we format the linting output you can specify custom error output and stats output functions:

ENV.coffeeOptions = {
  lint: {
    formatter: function(filePath, lintResults) {  },
    statsFormatter: function(stats) { console.log('Files: ', stats.fileCount, "Errors: ", stats.errorCount) }

NOTE: The lint results will show up twice when you build and run your app; once for the app files, and then once for the test files. On rebuild, only the changed files are linted.


To avoid linting specific files or folders, you can put a file named .coffeelintignore in the root of your project containing ignore-rules, one per line. This is just like a .gitignore-file, and it will follow the same rules.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • npm link

Because of the nature of this project, it needs to be consumed by an ember-cli project to be properly developed.

  • Add "ember-cli-coffeescript": "*" to your consuming project's package.json
  • From your project root run npm link ember-cli-coffeescript

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • npm run embertest
  • npm run nodetest

To run all the tests:

  • npm test