
A Framer module for generating an iOS-style navigation bar.

MIT License


NavbarComponent Framer Module

The NavbarComponent module allows you to generate an iOS-style navigation bar with title, action buttons, and search bar. Scroll effects mimic those on iOS, and views can be navigated forward and reverse.


NPM Installation

$ cd /your/framer/project
$ npm i @blackpixel/framer-navbarcomponent

Manual installation

Copy or save the NavbarComponent file into your project's modules folder.

Adding It to Your Project

In your Framer project, add the following:

# If you manually installed
NavbarComponent = require "NavbarComponent"
# else
NavbarComponent = require "@blackpixel/framer-navbarcomponent"


new NavbarComponent

Instantiates a new instance of NavbarComponent.

Available options

myNavbar = new NavbarComponent
		# General
		style: <string> ("light" || "dark")
		size: <string> ("large" || "small")
		title: <string>
		# Buttons
		buttonCount: <number>
		buttonSize: <number>
		buttonActions: <array of actions>
		imagePrefix: <string>
		imageSuffix: <string>
		backAction: <action>
		# Search bar
		searchLabel: <string>
		search: <boolean>
		dictation: <boolean>
		# Colors
		textColor: <string> (hex or rgba)
		backgroundColor: <string> (hex or rgba)
		searchBarColor: <string> (hex or rgba)
		searchIconColor: <string> (hex or rgba)
		accentColor: <string> (hex or rgba)

Activating scroll effects

NavbarComponent will need to know which layer's scroll position it ought to match. Do not attempt to set it as the header of a FlowComponent. Rather, use the scrollWith() feature and indicate your FlowComponent or ScrollComponent to the NavbarComponent.

myNavbar.scrollWith(layer) # layer will be the name of your FlowComponent or ScrollComponent

Navigation effects

To mimic view-by-view navigation, use showNext() and showPrevious(). When using showNext(), provide a title for the next view. NavbarComponent will store these for purposes of returning to them with showPrevious().

myNavbar.showNext("Your title here")

For debugging help, you can inspect NavbarComponent's stored list of titles.

print myNavbar.history

Navbar size

Not all iOS navbars use the large title style. You may enforce a smaller title using size: "small".

The search bar

If you instantiate the NavbarComponent with search: true, your initial navbar view will display a search bar. Your users can type in this bar. If you wish to check the current value of the search bar, use the search variable.


Button images

All images are assumed to live in the images directory and to be numbered starting with zero. You may supply a prefix and suffix. If your button images are located in a buttons directory within images and named:


then your imagePrefix will be "buttons/item" and your imageSuffix will be "png".

Do not include the images directory in imagePrefix.

Button size

Action button assets are assumed to be 24pt by 24pt. If yours are of another size, supply the correct dimension with buttonSize: <number>. This will prevent your assets from being scaled.

Button actions

The back button that appears on secondary views can be given an action, as can individual action buttons. Most likely, you will want the back button to activate the NavbarComponent's showPrevious() feature, along with any navigation relevant to your prototype (e.g., the showPrevious() FlowComponent feature). Action button actions should be arranged in a comma-separated array, one action per line.

backAction: -> myNavbar.showPrevious()
buttonActions: [
	-> print "1",
	-> print "second",
	-> print "item the third"

Example project

Download the example to try it for yourself.

Website:  ·  GitHub: @bpxl-labs  ·  Twitter: @blackpixel  ·  Medium: @bpxl-craft