
Say hello to Sidekick! A Laravel package that provides a common syntax for using Claude, Mistral, Cohere and OpenAi APIs.

GPL-3.0 License



This project provides a unified wrapper around the OpenAI, Claude, Cohere and Mistral APIs for Laravel. The goal is to simplify switching between different AI models and APIs, making it as seamless as possible.

Watch a short video on how to get set up in under 5 minutes.

image Features

  • Open AI, Mistral, Claude & Cohere
    • Conversation => Quickly prototype/build a chatbot (with history via DB)
    • Completion => Complete or respond to a given prompt
  • Open AI, Mistral (ONLY)
    • Embedding => Create a vector representation from text
  • Open AI (ONLY)
    • Audio => Create an Audio file from a text prompt
    • Image => Create an Image from a text prompt
    • Moderation => Moderate text and flag for unwanted content (great for moderating comments)
    • Transcription => Transcribe an audio file
  • Quick Utilities (supported by all models)
    • Summarize => Summarizes the given input
    • extractKeywords => Extracts Keywords from a given input
    • translateText => Translates the given input into another language
    • generateContent => Generates content ideas from a given topic

Installation Guide

The easiest way to install the package in your laravel app is to run the following command from within your project directory:

    composer require paparascaldev/sidekick

Configuring the .env

Once Sidekick is installed you need to update your .env file with your access tokens.

You only need to specify the token for the provider(s) you will use.


Where can I get an API key?

If you are not yet signed up with any of the AI providers, here are some links to help:

Running Migrations

Run your migrations using the command below:

    php artisan migrate

After the .env is updated you can start testing the plugin.

The Sidekick Playground

In order to see some examples of Sidekick in action I have created a playground. This is not available by default because some may not wish to use it.

If you would like to use it run the following artisan command to install the playground:

  php artisan sidekick:install

This will install the routes and views into your application.

On completion, you can access the playground at:



Please refer to the wiki documentation that can be found here: Documentation

Ways to Contribute

To find out about how you can get involved checkout the or read my post on it here:

Also, star my repository if you think it is useful.

Model Support

I have tested the package using the following models:

Open Ai

gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, tts-1, tts-1-hd, dall-e-2, dall-e-3, whisper-1, text-embedding-3-small, text-embedding-3-large, text-embedding-ada-002, text-moderation-latest, text-moderation-stable, text-moderation-007

Mistral AI

mistral-small-latest, mistral-medium-latest, mistral-large-latest, open-mistral-7b, mistral-embed

Claude AI

claude-3-opus-20240229, claude-3-sonnet-20240229, claude-3-haiku-20240307

Cohere AI

command-r-08-2024 command-r-plus-08-2024


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