
Example store starter template built with Contentful and Hydrogen framework from Shopify


Contentful and Hydrogen Starter

Starter template to create a Shopify custom storefront with Contentful and Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a React framework and SDK that you can use to build fast and dynamic Shopify custom storefronts.

Contentful is the most flexible and easy headless CMS that can power up your customer shopping experience with flexible content models, and field editors for authors to collaborate and manage content.

Check out the docs

What's in this template

Getting started


Add your Contentful space Id and preview access token to .env

  • Node.js version 16.5.0 or higher
  • Yarn
yarn dev

Optionally you can pre-fill your Contentful empty space with Content:

Install contentful cli and import ./contentful-export.json content.

In the project root folder run the following in your terminal:

npm i -g contentful-cli
# Then
contentful space import --space-id YOUR_SPACE_ID --content-file ./contentful-export.json

Remember to update hydrogen.config.js with your shop's domain and Storefront API token!

Previewing a production build

To run a local preview of your Hydrogen app in an environment similar to Oxygen, build your Hydrogen app and then run yarn preview:

yarn build
yarn preview

Building for production

yarn build

Running tests

This project contains basic end-to-end (E2E) tests in the /tests/e2e folder powered by Vitest.

You can run tests in development, and they will automatically reload when you make changes to the component you provide to hydrogen.watchForUpdates():

yarn test

To run tests in a continuous-integration (CI) environment like GitHub Actions:

yarn test:ci