
AT protocol library

OTHER License


AT protocol library and firmware

This is an attempt to implement DCE and DTE sides of an AT protocol, mostly based on Recommendation V.250. The code has two parts: a platform-independent code for basic DCE/DTE functions, and target-specific commands that control WiFi, TCP/IP, etc. The main target for DCE is an ESP8266 chip, but it is easy to add other targets as well, or pull the platform-independent code into another project.

The AT commands supported by the ESP8266 target are described here.

What works so far:

  • DCE (i.e modem side) only. Haven't started working on DTE (host) side.
  • Parsing and handling of basic and extended syntax commands and S-parameters
  • Response formatting option (ATV)
  • Echo (ATE)
  • Result code suppression (ATQ)
  • Baud rate setting (AT+IPR) saved to flash
  • Reset (ATZ)
  • Chip id (AT+GSN) and version (AT+GMR) queries
  • Wifi commands (CWLAP, CWJAP, CWSAP, CWSTAT, CWLIF)
  • Wifi connection status reports (+CWSTAT:)
  • Commands to get IP and MAC address for AP and STA (CIPAP?, CIPSTA?, CIPAPMAC?, CIPSTAMAC?)
  • Domain names resolution (CIPRESOLVE)
  • TCP/UDP socket context create/release (CIPCREATE, CIPCLOSE)
  • TCP/UDP client connect/disconnect (CIPCONNECT, CIPDISCONNECT)
  • Send/receive data (CIPSENDI, CIPRD)

Next up:

  • TCP/UDP server
  • MQTT
  • Pass-through mode for TCP/UDP connections
  • More unit tests
  • Handling of malformed input (besides returning ERROR)
  • DTE part of the business

Many commands that return ERROR print error reason when debug output is enabled. To enable debug output, issue AT+IDBG=1 command.

Prebuilt firmware for ESP8266

If you don't want to go through the build process described below (though I advise you do), get the prebuilt binaries on my website.



  • Install/compile the toolchain. Check the ESP8266 community wiki for instructions.
  • Get the ESP8266 SDK version 0.9.3.
  • Adjust XTENSA_TOOCHAIN, XTENSA_LIBS, SDK_BASE, ESPTOOL directories in target/esp8266/
  • Apply the diff in target/esp8266/c_types.h.diff to include/c_types.h in the SDK so that it doesn't redefine types from stdint.h.
  • Run make clean all TARGET=esp8266
  • The firmware will be generated in bin/0x00000.bin and bin/0x40000.bin


There are some unit tests for target-independent code that run on PC. Doing make test will build the tests and run them. Don't forget to make clean before you make test if you have built for ESP8266 before that, or the linker will complain about unsupported object file format.


BSD. See the LICENSE file.

I use Catch for unit tests (it's in include/catch.hpp), see header for it's own license.