
A C++ parser for bencoded data

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



bencode.hpp is a small, single-header C++ library for parsing and generating bencoded data. You might find it useful as an (extremely!) simple library for serializing data from your program.


This library has no external dependencies and only requires a C++20 compiler. It's been tested on Clang 10+, GCC 10+, and MSVC 2022+. The unit tests do depend on mettle, however.

Note: if Boost is installed, bencode.hpp will provide the ability to use boost::variant, which can perform significantly better than std::variant on some data sets (up to 2x faster than libstdc++ or libc++ when decoding integers).


If you're using Ubuntu (or a similar distro), you can install bencode from the following PPA: ppa:jimporter/stable. If you're not using Ubuntu, you can also build from source using bfg9000. Just run the following:

$ cd /path/to/bencode.hpp/
$ 9k build/
$ cd build/
$ ninja install

However, since bencode.hpp is a single-file, header-only library, you can just copy include/bencode.hpp to your destination of choice. (Note that doing this won't generate a bencodehpp.pc file for pkg-config to use.)


Data types

Bencode has four data types: integer, string, list, and dict. These correspond to long long, std::string, std::vector<bencode::data>, and std::map<std::string, bencode::data>, respectively. Since the data types are determined at runtime, these are all stored in a variant type called data (a subclass of std::variant).

Note: Technically, bencode::dict is a map_proxy object, since std::map doesn't support holding elements of incomplete type (though some implementations do allow this). This type has all the member functions you'd expect, as well as overloaded * and -> operators to access the proxied std::map directly. However, you can customize this if you like.


Decoding bencoded data is simple. Just call decode with a string or some other container holding character data. This will return a data object that you can operate on:

bencode::data data = bencode::decode("i42e");
auto value = std::get<bencode::integer>(data);

decode also has overloads that takes an iterator pair or a pointer and length:

auto data1 = bencode::decode(foo.begin(), foo.end());
auto data2 = bencode::decode(c_str, std::strlen(c_str));

Finally, you can pass an std::istream directly to decode. By default, this overload will set the eof bit on the stream if it reaches the end. However, you can override this behavior:

// Defaults to bencode::check_eof.
auto data = bencode::decode(stream, bencode::no_check_eof);

This option is useful if, for instance, you're reading multiple bencoded messages from a pipe, which brings us to...

Decoding successive objects

One convenient feature of bencoded data is that it's possible to concatenate successive objects in the same string or stream, and readers can always tell where one ends and the next begins. While decode will consume all the input (or throw an exception if there's any extraneous data), decode_some will let you parse just the next bencoded object, leaving any extra data for the next call:

std::stringstream input("i42e3:foo");
auto data1 = bencode::decode_some(input); // contains 42
auto data2 = bencode::decode_some(input); // contains "foo"

When calling decode_some with an iterator pair, it will update the value of the "begin" iterator in-place to point to where the parsing left off. Similary, calling decode_some with a pointer or pointer/length, it will update the pointer's value in-place.


If the buffer holding the bencoded data is stable (i.e. won't change or be destroyed until you're done working with the parsed representation), you can decode the data as a view on the buffer to save memory. This results in all parsed strings being nothing more than pointers pointing to slices of your buffer. Simply add _view to the functions/types to take advantage of this:

std::string buf = "3:foo";
bencode::data_view data = bencode::decode_view(buf); // or `decode_view_some`
auto value = std::get<bencode::string_view>(data);


If there's an error trying to decode some bencode data, a decode_error will be thrown. This provides information about where the error occurred via the offset() member function, as well as access to the underlying exception that caused the error, via either nested_ptr() or rethrow_nested():

  try {
    auto data = bencode::decode(input);
  } catch(const bencode::decode_error &e) {
    // Throw the underlying exception. Maybe catch it and do something with it.

Reading Data

Once you have a data (or data_view) object, it's easy to read from it. For simple cases, you can just use std::get to retrieve the value out of the variant:

auto data = bencode::decode("i42e");
auto value = std::get<bencode::integer>(data);

In addition, you can use the operator [] or at member functions to get the requested element from a list value (if you pass an integer) or dict value (if you pass a string):

auto data = bencode::decode("d3:fooi42ee");
auto elem = data["foo"];
auto value = std::get<bencode::integer>(elem);

These member functions simply forward on to the corresponding functions for the underlying container, and are (roughly) equivalent to:

auto elem = std::get<bencode::dict>(data)["foo"];


Since bencode::data type is simply a subclass of std::variant (likewise bencode::data_view), you can usually just call std::visit on it. Unfortunately, due to a quirk in the C++ specification (resolved in C++23), not all standard libraries support passing bencode::data to std::visit. To get around this issue, you can call the base() method to cast bencode::data to a std::variant:

std::visit(visitor_fn, my_data.base());


Encoding data is also straightforward:

// Encode and store the result in an std::string.
auto str = bencode::encode(42);

// Encode and output to an std::ostream.
bencode::encode_to(std::cout, 42);

// Encode and output to an iterator.
std::vector<char> vec;
bencode::encode_to(std::back_inserter(vec), 42);

You can also construct more-complex data structures:

bencode::encode_to(std::cout, bencode::dict{
  {"one", 1},
  {"two", bencode::list{1, "foo", 2}},
  {"three", "3"}

As with encoding, you can use the *_view types if you know the underlying memory will live until the encoding function returns.


If Boost is installed, bencode.hpp will provide functions to decode data into a boost::variant. This can be particularly useful for some data sets, since boost::variant is consistently faster than most std::variant implementations, especially when storing integers.

These functions work the same as the regular bencode.hpp versions, but are prefixed with boost_:

bencode::boost_data d = bencode::boost_decode(msg);
bencode::boost_data_view dv = bencode::boost_decode_view(msg);
// ...

Bringing Your Own Variant

In addition to using the built-in data types bencode::data and bencode::data_view, you can define your own with the bencode::basic_data class template. This can be useful if you want different alternative types in your variant (e.g. using std::map instead of bencode::map_proxy if your standard library supports that) or to use a different variant type altogether:

using cool_data = bencode::basic_data<
  cool_variant, long long, std::string, std::vector, bencode::map_proxy

auto result = bencode::basic_decode<cool_data>(message);

Note that when using a different variant type, you'll likely want to create a specialization of bencode::variant_traits so that bencode.hpp knows how to call the visitor function for your type:

struct bencode::variant_traits<cool_variant> {
  template<typename Visitor, typename ...Variants>
  static decltype(auto) visit(Visitor &&visitor, Variants &&...variants) {
    return cool_visit(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor),

  template<typename Type, typename Variant>
  inline static decltype(auto) get_if(Variant *variant) {
    return cool_get_if<Type>(&variant->base());

  template<typename Variant>
  inline static auto index(const Variant &variant) {
    return variant.cool_index();


This library is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.