This software (CMVS) takes the output of a structure-from-motion (SfM) software as input, then decomposes the input images into a set of image clusters of managable size. An MVS software can be used to process each cluster independently and in parallel, where the union of reconstructions from all the clusters should not miss any details that can be otherwise obtained from the whole image set. CMVS should be used in conjunction with an SfM software Bundler and an MVS software PMVS2 (PMVS version 2).


This is a modified version of CMVS/PMVS.

Main modification:

  • cross platform compilation Linux, Windows => CMake build system generator.
  • added bug fix from Nghia Ho.
  • make PLY, PSET, PATCH export faster and optional.
  • Replaced GSL simplex/lmfit with nlopt optimizer
  • Replaced image loading routines with CImg. Now PPMs are supported properly, with optional support for PNG and TIFF
  • Replaced BLAS/LAPACK with Eigen
  • Updated internal jpeg library and miniBoost
  • CMake-system now supports system boost, jpeg and other libraries if available.
  • Replaced pthread with tinycthread to get rid of pthread.dll on Windows

Authors : [Original code author] Yasutaka Furukawa

[Initial Cmake multiplatform port ] Pierre moulon pmoulon[AT]

  • Web ressources : -

[CMVS/PMVS] http:// [CMake version]