
Apply hot patches for running processes without restarting

APACHE-2.0 License




Computer progroms are like humans in a way which is extensible to do almost everything. But human can learn and react continuously while softwares need to restart after adding features and applying patches. In some cases, we can apply the hot patches which are different from the static code patches without restarting the processes.

This project helps to patch and upgrade your programs with the following features.

  • Set and get the gflags on the fly.
  • Set the logging properties of glogs on the fly.
  • Set and print any registered variables on the fly.
  • Load and unload the dynamic libraries on the fly.
  • Upgrade and rollback the implementation of registered functions on the fly.


Build the project from scratch. Required to install gflags, glogs, gtest and subhook in advance.

mkdir ./build/
cd ./build/
cmake ..

Integrated with your C++ programs.

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/foo/bar/ ..
make install


We can run any pre-built binary with the preload library to change the properties at any time.

# For Linux
LD_PRELOAD="./preload/" ./examples/prebuilt_server

# For Mac
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./preload/libpreload_hotpatch.dylib ./examples/prebuilt_server

Use the Python client or command nc to set and get the log level on the fly.

hotpatch -p $PID gflags set minloglevel 2

hotpatch -p $PID gflags get minloglevel

We can register the variables and functions in your C++ program, take simple_server for example.

// Use Hotpatch

// Register variable
std::string user_name = "myname";
hotpatch::RegisterVariable("user_name", &user_name);
int age = 10;
hotpatch::RegisterVariable("age", &age);

// Register function
hotpatch::RegisterFunction("add_func", reinterpret_cast<void*>(add_func));

Then we can get and set the values in any time while the program is running. It is meaningful for debuging and changing the logic of your programs without re-compiling and restarting the process.

hotpatch -p $PID var get string user_name
hotpatch -p $PID var set string user_name new_name

hotpatch -p $PID var get int age
hotpatch -p $PID var set int age 20

Loading the new libraries allows developers to inject the new implementation of the functions on the fly and rollback is supported as well.

hotpatch -p $PID lib load add_func_patch1 ./examples/libadd_func_patch1.dylib

hotpatch -p $PID func upgrade add_func_patch1 add_func

hotpatch -p $PID func rollback add_func


Python Client

The command hotpatch is the socket client in Python which can be installed easily.

pip install hotpatch

Get and set the gflags or glogs properties.

hotpatch -p $PID gflags list

hotpatch -p $PID gflags get minloglevel

hotpatch -p $PID gflags set minloglevel 2

Get and set the registered variables.

hotpatch -p $PID var list

hotpatch -p $PID var get string user_name

hotpatch -p $PID var set string user_name new_name

Load and unload the dynamic libraries.

hotpatch -p $PID lib list

hotpatch -p $PID lib load add_func_patch1 ./examples/libadd_func_patch1.dylib

hotpatch -p $PID lib unload add_func_patch1

Upgrade and rollback the function implementation.

hotpatch -p $PID func upgrade add_func_patch1 add_func

hotpatch -p $PID func rollback add_func

Shell Client

nc is the built-in tool in most operating systems which can access the unix socket as well.

Get and set the gflags or glogs properties.

echo "gflags list" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "gflags get minloglevel" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "gflags set minloglevel 2" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

Get and set the registered variables.

echo "var list" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "var get string user_name" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "var set string user_name new_name" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

Load and unload the dynamic libraries.

echo "lib list" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "lib load add_func_patch1 ./examples/libadd_func_patch1.dylib" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "lib unload add_func_patch1" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

Upgrade and rollback the function implementation.

echo "func upgrade add_func_patch1 add_func" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket

echo "func rollback add_func" | nc -U /tmp/$PID.socket


No performance overhead for your application!

Under the hood, gflags manages all the flag information globally and provide the APIs to access. For registered variables, we use the void pointer to access and only support for primitive types so far. For registered functions, the underlying instructions are mofified to jump to the new function address which brings no performance degradation. Here is the underlying implementation of subhook for x86 architecture.

static int subhook_make_jmp64(void *src, void *dst) {
  struct subhook_jmp64 *jmp = (struct subhook_jmp64 *)src;

  jmp->push_opcode = PUSH_OPCODE;
  jmp->push_addr = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)dst; /* truncate */
  jmp->mov_opcode = MOV_OPCODE;
  jmp->mov_modrm = JMP64_MOV_MODRM;
  jmp->mov_sib = JMP64_MOV_SIB;
  jmp->mov_offset = JMP64_MOV_OFFSET;
  jmp->mov_addr = (uint32_t)(((uintptr_t)dst) >> 32);
  jmp->ret_opcode = RET_OPCODE;

  return 0;

You can get more benchmark results with the scripts in benchmark.


For MacOS Catalina users, you need to set printf '\x07' | dd of=<executable> bs=1 seek=160 count=1 conv=notrunc because of the security issue.