
impacta is a fully-implicit code for solving the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck system of equations in a (up to 2nd order) Cartesian Tensor expansion

MIT License



impacta (Implicit Magnetized Plasma And Collisional Transport with Anisotropy) is a fully-implicit code for electron heat transport in inertial fusion relative scenarios. It solves the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations under the Lorentz approximation for electrons using a Cartesian Tensor expansion up to second order, with third order added in a reduced model. Additional physics models include a simple hydrodynamic solver for ions, ionization and a ray tracing package for laser heating using inverse bremsstrahlung.


The code was based on impact, conceived and developed by Robert Kingham and Tony Bell (R.J. Kingham and A.R. Bell, J. Comp. Phys. 2004). A new C++ version of the code with the addition of second order Cartesian Tensor terms was developed by Alec Thomas. Hydrodynamic ion motion were added by Alec Thomas based on a model developed for impact by Chris Ridgers. A ray tracing package was added by Archis Joglekar.

Installation instructions:

The code requires PETSc and boost libraries