
OTHER License


lmno an Embedded Programming Language for C++

lmno (pronounced "elemenoh") is a programming language presented as a generic C++ library. The core language itself is symbolic, following in the path of many array programming languages such as APL, J, and BQN. The lmno language borrows many symbols and concepts from APL and BQN, but has several important differences.


This repository is not a supported project of the author! This started as a personal experiment that exploded into something viable as a real tool set.

This GitHub repository does not accept issues or PRs, but you are encouraged to look through, inspect, download, build, and experiment with the work yourself. If you want to fork the project and continue it, you have my blessing and eternal gratitude!

For more thorough (yet still very incomplete) documentation, the docs directory contains a Sphinx project and rST files.


Before building anything, you will need to have Poetry installed!

Once you have Poetry, you can run the Make targets in the root repo:

## Build the project and run the tests
$ make build
## Build the documentation
$ make docs
## Run a documentation server
$ make docs-server

Note on compiler support

Currently, the only toolchains tested with this repository are GCC 11 and Clang 16 . This repository features very heavy use of template metaprogramming and C++20 concepts. It is very likely that any compiler outside of those tested will reject the code, either due to bugs in your compilers, or bugs in my compilers that allowed malformed code to pass through.