
🧙‍♂️ A simple interprocess communication (IPC) library



A simple cross-platform[^1] interprocess communication (IPC) library written in C++. Mage is heavily inspired by Chromium's Mojo IPC library, and written by Dominic Farolino (a Chromium engineer) in his free time.

Chromium's Mojo is feature-rich and battle-tested, but it has a lot of Chromium-specific dependencies that prevent it from being portable and used by other applications. The motivation for Mage was to create a watered-down version of Mojo, with no dependencies on the Chromium tree, for learning purposes and for use in arbitrary C++ applications.

Right now, Mage's only dependency is //base, a simple threading & scheduling library developed alongside Mage, although design work for separating the two entirely is being considered, to make Mage even more standalone. Mage is also built with Bazel but can be integrated with other toolchains.

The user-facing IDL portion of Mojo was based on Darin Fisher's ipc_idl prototype, which describes a very similar IDL that python generates C++ bindings from, with the Jinja2 templating engine.

In the mid-2010s, development on the "guts" of Mojo began, with a simple messaging library called ports. If you're a Google employee, you can read Mojo Core Ports Overview. Ports now lives inside Mojo in the Chromium tree:

The Mojo language-specific bindings (like mojo::Remote, etc.) are built on top of mojo/core which is in turn built on top of ports.

Mojo is built in an impressively layered fashion, allowing for its internals (much of the stuff underneath the bindings layer) to be swapped out for an entirely different backing implementation with no (Chromium) developer consequences. Ken Rockot built the ipcz library to experiment replacing much of the Mojo internals with his IPC system that implements message passing with shared memory pools instead of explicit message passing with sockets and file descriptors, etc.

The ultimate goal with Mage is to make it, too, as modular as possible, allowing it to be used with any external threading & scheduling library, not just //base. It would be cool someday if the internals were also decoupled from the public bindings enough such that we could experiment with other internal messaging providers such as ipcz, for example.

Table of contents

Supported platforms

In progress:


Mage IPC allows you to seamlessly send asynchronous messages to an object that lives in another process, thread, or even the same thread, without the sender having to know anything about where the target object actually is. Messages are described by user-provided interface files.

To get started, you need to be familiar with three concepts from the public API:

  • mage::MessagePipe
  • mage::Remote<T>
  • mage::Receiver<T>

Messages are sent over bidirectional message pipes, each end of which is represented by a mage::MessagePipe, which can be passed over interfaces, even to other processes. Given a pair of entangled MessagePipes, you'll ultimately bind one end to a Remote and the other to a Receiver. It is through these objects that arbitrary user messages get passed as IPCs.


Once bound, a Remote<magen::Foo> represents a local "proxy" for a magen::Foo interface, whose concrete implementation may live in another process. You can synchronously invoke any of the magen::Foo interface methods on a Remote<magen::Foo>, and the proxy will forward the message to the right place, wherever the corresponding Receiver<magen::Foo> lives, even if it's moving around.

mage::MessagePipe remote_pipe = /* get pipe from somewhere */;
mage::Remote<magen::Foo> remote(remote_pipe);

// Start sending IPCs!
remote->ArbitraryMessage("some payload");


Messages sent over a bound Remote<magen::Foo> get queued on the other end's MessagePipe until it is bound to a corresponding Receiver<magen::Foo>, which represents the concrete implementation of the Mage interface magen::Foo. The receiver itself does not handle messages sent by the remote, but rather it has a reference to a user-provided C++ object that implements the interface, and it forwards messages to it. Receivers are typically owned by the concrete implementation of the relevant interface.

Here's an example:

// Instances of this class can receive asynchronous IPCs from other processes.
class FooImpl final : public magen::Foo {
  Bind(mage::MessagePipe foo_receiver) {
    // Tell `receiver_` that `this` is the concrete implementation of
    // `magen::Foo` and its interface methods.
    receiver_.Bind(foo_receiver, this);

  // Implementation of `magen::Foo`. These methods get invoked by `receiver_`
  // when IPCs come in from the remote.
  void ArbitraryMessage(string) { /* ... */ }
  void AnotherIPC(MessagePipe) { /* ... */ }

  // The corresponding remote may live in another process.
  mage::Receiver<magen::Foo> receiver_;

Magen Interface Definition Language (IDL)

Magen is the IDL that describes Mage interfaces. Interfaces are written in .magen files by consumers of Mage, and are understood by the magen_idl(...) Bazel rule which generates C++ bindings for the interfaces.

The Magen IDL is quite simple (and much less feature-rich than Mojo's IDL). Each .magen file describes a single interface with the interface keyword, which can have any number of methods described by their names and parameters.

Single line C-style comments are supported. Here are a list of supported parameter types:

  • bool
  • int
  • long
  • double
  • char
  • string
  • MessagePipe

The types are self-explanatory, with the exception of MessagePipe. A MessagePipe that is not bound to a Remote or Receiver can be passed from one process, over an existing IPC interface, to be bound to a Remote/Receiver in another process. This is the basic primitive with which it's possible to expand the number of connections spanning two processes.

Here's an example of an interface:

// This interface is implemented by the parent process. It is used by its child
// processes to communicate commands to the parent.
interface ParentProcess {
  // Child tells parent process to navigate to `url`, with an arbitrary delay of
  // `delay` seconds.
  NavigateToURL(string url, int delay);

  // ...
  OpenFile(string name, bool truncate);

  // The parent binds this to a local `mage::Remote<magen::ChildProcess>` so it
  // can send messages *back* to its child.
  BindChildProcessRemote(MessagePipe child_remote);

Using Mage in your application

Using Mage to provide IPC support in an application is pretty simple; there are only a few steps:

  1. Write your interface in a .magen file
  2. Build your .magen file
  3. Implement your interface in C++
  4. Use a Remote to send IPCs to your cross-process interface (or any thread)

Let's assume you have a networking application ( that takes URLs from user input and fetches them, but you want to do the fetching in separate process ( Specifically, will spin up the network process and tell it what URLs to fetch and when. Consider the project structure:


1. Write your interface in a .magen file

The first thing you need to do is write the Magen interface that will use to send messages to the network process. This includes a FetchURL IPC that contains a URL. Magen interfaces are typically defined in a magen/ directory:

// network_process/magen/network_process.magen

interface NetworkProcess {
  FetchURL(string url);

2. Build your .magen file

Next, you need to tell your BUILD file about the interface in your .magen file, so it can "build" it (generate the requisite C++ code). magen/ directories get their own BUILD files that invoke the Mage build process.

# network_process/magen/BUILD

load("@mage//mage/public/parser:magen_idl.bzl", "magen_idl")

# Generates `network_process.magen.h`, which can be included by depending on the
# ":include" target below.
  name = "include",
  srcs = [

This tells Mage to generate a C++ header called network_process.magen.h based on the supplied interface. Both and can #include this header by listing the :include rule as a dependency. For example, you'd modify src/BUILD like so:

  name = "main",
  srcs = [
+  deps = [
+    "@mage//mage/public",
+    # Allows `` to `include` the generated interface header.
+    "//network_process/magen:include",
+  ],
  visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

You'll need to do the same for //network_process/BUILD, so that the binary can include the same header.

3. Implement your interface in C++

The C++ object that will back the magen::NetworkProcess interface will of course live in the binary, since that's where we'll accept URLs from the main process to fetch. We'll need to implement this interface now:

#include "network_process/magen/network_process.magen.h" // Generated.

// The network process's concrete implementation of the `magen::NetworkProcess`
// interface. Other processes can talk to us via that interface.
class NetworkProcess final : public magen::NetworkProcess {
  // Bind a receiver that we get from the parent, so `this` can start receiving
  // cross-process messages.
  NetworkProcess(mage::MessagePipe receiver) {
    receiver_.Bind(receiver, this);

  // magen::NetworkProcess implementation:
  void FetchURL(std::string url) override { /* ... */ }
  mage::Receiver<magen::NetworkProcess> receiver_;
// network/

int main() {
  // Accept the mage invitation from the process.
  mage::MessagePipe network_receiver = /* ... */;
  NetworkProcess network_process_impl(network_receiver);
  // `network_process_impl` can start receiving asynchronous IPCs from the
  // parent process, directing it to fetch URLs.

  return 0;

4. Use a Remote to send cross-process IPCs

The main application binary can communicate to the network process with a mage::Remote<magen::NetworkProcess>, by calling the interface's methods.

// src/

#include "network_process/magen/network_process.magen.h" // Generated.

// Main binary that the user runs.
int main() {
  mage::MessagePipe network_pipe = /* obtained from creating the network process */;
  mage::Remote<magen::NetworkProcess> remote(network_pipe);

  while (true) {
    std::string url /* get user input */;
  return 0;

Sending MessagePipes cross-process

The previous sections illustrate sending a message over a bound message pipe to another process, using a single remote/receiver pair that spans the two processes. But usually you don't want just a single interface responsible for every single message sent between two processes. That leads to bad layering and design. Rather, you often want tightly scoped interfaces like the following:

         Proc A                                 Proc B          
  CompositorDirector                  CompositorImpl        
  RemoteUIService                     UIServiceImpl         
  LoggerImpl                          RemoteLogger          

As long as you have a single interface spanning two processes, you can use it to indefinitely expand the number of interfaces between them, by passing unbound MessagePipes over an existing interface:

mage::Remote<magen::BoostrapInterface> bootstrap = /* ... */;

// Create two entangled message pipes: one for us, one for the remote process.
std::vector<mage::MessagePipe> new_pipes = mage::CreateMessagePipes();

mage::Remote<magen::Compositor> compositor_remote(new_pipes[0]);
// Now we can start invoking methods on the remote compositor, and they'll
// arrive in the remote process once the receiver gets bound.

Mage invitations

The above sections are great primers on how to get started with Mage, but they assume you already have an initial connection spanning two processes in your system. From there, you can send messages, and even expand the number of connections that span the two processes. But how do you establish the initial connection? This section introduces the Mage "invitation" concept, which helps you do this.

There are three public APIs for establishing the initial message pipe connection across two processes:

  • Called in every process using Mage: mage::Init(). Performs
    routine setup, and must be called before any other Mage APIs are called
  • Called from the parent process[^2]:
    mage::SendInvitationAndGetMessagePipe(int socket)
  • Called from the child process:
    mage::AcceptInvitation(int socket, std::function<void(MessagePipe)> callback)

First, the parent process must create a native socket pair that the child process will inherit upon creation. The parent passes the pipe into the mage::SendInvitationAndGetMessagePipe() API in exchange for a mage::MessagePipe that's wired up with the Mage internals. This pipe can immediately be bound to a remote and the parent can start sending messages that will eventually be received by the child. (It can just as well be used as a receiver).

int fd = /* ... */;
mage::MessagePipe pipe = mage::SendInvitationAndGetMessagePipe(fd);
mage::Remote<magen::BoostrapInterface> remote(pipe);

Child process initialization is a little more involved. The process inherits all of the parent's sockets, but it needs to know which one to use for the invitation. This is typically communicated via an argument passed to the child binary when the parent launches it.

When the child recovers the native socket, from any thread it can call mage::AcceptInvitation(socket, callback) to accept an invitation on the socket. This API takes a callback that runs on the same thread that called AccceptInvitation(), after the invitation gets processed on the IO thread. The callback gives the child a mage::MessagePipe that's connected to the parent process and ready for immediate use. Here's the typical flow:

void OnInvitationAccepted(mage::MessagePipe receiver_pipe) {
  first_interface = std::make_unique<FirstInterfaceImpl>(receiver_pipe);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  std::shared_ptr<base::TaskLoop> main_thread = base::TaskLoop::Create(base::ThreadType::UI);
  base::Thread io_thread(base::ThreadType::IO);
  main_thread->Run(); // Wait for the IO thread to get set up.


  CHECK_EQ(argc, 2);
  int fd = std::stoi(argv[1]);
  mage::AcceptInvitation(fd, &OnInvitationAccepted);

  // This will run the event loop indefinitely, running tasks when they are
  // posted (including the `OnInvitationAccepted()` function above.
  return 0;

Threading & task scheduling

Since Mage is multithreaded and inherently asynchronous, it has some threading and scheduling requirements. While Mage is in "MVP" mode, it has a hard dependency on the external //base library that was originally developed alongside Mage. That means right now, in order to use Mage you have to use //base as your application's primary threading and scheduling library.

This is only temporary: work is being done to decouple the two with the end goal of being able to use Mage in any application that provides a sufficient implementation for these generic requirements. Some good implementations of these requirements could be:

A task scheduling library must also support the ability to asynchronously listen to I/O from native platform sockets, such as Unix file descriptors or Windows HANDLEs. All of this is provided by default in //base, which was developed with Mage in mind.

Here's a complete list of threading/scheduling requirements/APIs an external application would have to satisfy to use Mage successfully:

  • API to retrieve a thread-local reference to the current thread's task-posting
    sink (that can be stored)
    • Currently provided by base::GetCurrentThreadTaskRunner()
    • Must support cross-thread task posting
  • API to retrieve a reference to the task-posting sinks for other threads, from
    any thread
    • Currently provided by other handles in
  • API to "Watch" and "Unwatch" a native socket, and get asynchronously notified
    when data is available to read from it
    • Currently provided by base::TaskLoopForIO, which has (Un)Watch()
      methods that tell that underlying task loop which object to post a
      notification message to when data is available to read on the relevant
  • API/Macro to tell what thread you're running on (UI or IO)
    • Currently provided by CHECK_ON_THREAD() via
  • API allowing an object to repeatedly determine if current execution is
    happening on the thread the object was constructed on (this is slightly
    different from the requirement immediately above)
    • Currently provided by base::ThreadChecker
    • Not a strict requirement if the above is satisfied, we could re-write
      ThreadChecker to just "save" the name of the constructor's thread for
      later querying against the current thread

Building and running the tests

With the repository downloaded, to build and run the demo, run:

$ bazel build mage/demo/parent mage/demo/child
$ ./bazel-bin/mage/demo/parent

To run the tests, run one of the following:

$ bazel test mage/mage_tests


$ bazel build mage/mage_tests
$ ./bazel-bin/mage/mage_tests


Mage is built with debugging symbols by default (see .bazelrc). To debug a failing test or other internals with lldb, run:

$ bazel build mage/mage_tests
$ lldb ./bazel-bin/mage/mage_tests
# Set breakpoints
$ br s -n Node::SendMessage
$ br s -f -l <line_number>
$ run --gtest_filter="MageTest.TestFoo"

Design limitations

See docs/

Security considerations

See docs/

[^1]: Well, technically it is only Linux & macOS for now . Windows support will be coming. [^2]: In practice, it doesn't matter who of the parent and child is the invitation "sender" vs "acceptor", though it is perhaps more natural to think of the parent process as the one inviting the child to the network of processes, via a Mage invitation.