
C++ and SFML based 2D simulation RPG game



A top-down 2D simulation RPG game using C++ and SFML as library as a part of academic project for Object Oriented Programming in C++. As the name suggests, the game is a one-day simulation in Pulchowk Campus, where the player can interact with different avatars in-game and visit buildings inside the campus. Scores are awarded as points in 6 sections: health, education, energy, money, social and fun based on the amount of time you spend inside a building. The objective is to accrue as many points as possible within the given time frame.\


  • SFML 2.0

Building Instructions

Compiling is simple in itself, simply compile all the executables within the src/ folder and the main.cpp in the root directory and link the following sfml flags with the compiler: -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system Additionally, you can refer to the official SFML documentation for building files on a specific platform.

1) Windows

You can use CMake if you are on Windows to build the executable through the CMakeLists file included in the root directory. Make sure to provide suitable paths for the SFML library. Compile manually using the source files if you are using IDEs like Visual Studio or CodeBlocks.

2) Linux

If on Linux, use the Makefile to compile and run the program. $ make - to build the program $ make run - to run the executable (should be done after building the program first) Note: If you get an error,

cannot open output file build/app: No such file or directory

Please create a folder by the name 'build' within the root directory. The error occurs because the final executable is stored inside the build directory and so we need to create a directory by the same name first.

3) Using CLion IDE (JetBrains)

Open this folder from CLion IDE and run the program. The CMakeLists file should be sufficient to build the program.


1.Nishan Poudel 075BCT057 (@nsn39) 2.Pranjal Pokharel 075BCT061 (@pranjalpokharel7) 3.Ranju G.C. 075BCT064 (@Itshyphen)


Main Menu
Game Start
Department (Interior)
Social Conversation
Robotics Club
Game Over