
The R bindings to readCon

MIT License

  • About
    This is a companion repository to the [[][readCon]] containing R bindings.

** Usage #+begin_src R library("readConR") aa <- readConR::readCon("test_data/cuh2.con") aa$prebox_header aa$boxl aa$angles aa$postbox_header aa$natm_types aa$natms_per_type aa$masses_per_type aa$atom_data #+end_src

** Development *** Setup and Build #+begin_src bash micromamba create -f environment.yml micromamba activate readconr_dev Rscript -e 'devtools::install(".")' #+end_src *** Local Linting A pre-commit job is setup on CI to enforce consistent styles, so it is best to set it up locally as well (using [[][pipx]] for isolation):

#+begin_src sh

Run before commiting

pipx run pre-commit run --all-files

Or install the git hook to enforce this

pipx run pre-commit install #+end_src

  • License