
Richel Bilderbeek's favorite C++ setup

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the_richel_setup shows Richel Bilderbeek's favorite C++ setup.

Table of Content

  • Goals
  • Name of the setup
  • Prerequisites
  • Overview
    • The normal run
      • main.cpp
    • The testing run
      • main_test.cpp
      • my_functions_test.cpp
    • The my_functions unit
      • the_richel_setup.pri
      • my_functions.h
      • my_functions.cpp
  • Diagnostics
    • Boost.Test
    • Profile
    • cppcheck
    • helgrind
    • valgrind
    • OCLint
    • Codecov
    • proselint
  • Use it for your own work
  • Where do I put additions?
    • I want to add a new function
    • I want to add a new unit
  • Extensions
  • Conclusion
  • Notes


the_richel_setup has:

  • clean seperation of test and normal execution
  • test build has a high amount of runtime testing
  • the normal build can be used for profiling
  • code coverage is measured
  • style is checked by OCLint

Name of the setup

I think 'the Richel setup' is a bad name. I prefer not to name things after myself. On the other hand, it is my personal setup. The major reason for chosing this name, is that I lacked a better one.

Update: At the moment I consider calling it 'The Good Boy' setup, as it tries to follow all Good Practices.

Names I considered are:

  • The dual-XOR setup, as mains must be exclusive to each project
  • The FOE setup ('Figure Of Eigth'), after the figure of eight in the picture
  • The infinity setup, after the figure of eight in the picture

If you know a better one, please let me know, by posting an Issue.


To get this setup to work, you'll need to have:

  • A Travis CI account at and sign in. This can be done with your GitHub
  • A Codecov account at and sign in. This can be done with your GitHub


The files are distributed over two projects as such:

This picture shows which files are part of which project. The files used by the normal run are in red, at the left. The files used by the testing run are in blue at the right. The files used by both setups are in the overlapping section. The most important file used by both setups is called my_functions.pri, which includes the my_functions unit (that is: my_functions.h and my_functions.cpp) to the project.

The goal of this setup is to both test and profile the functions in the_richel_project.pri project include file.

The normal setup has one project file, The main function of this project is in the file main.cpp (I prefer being unoriginal with naming). The functions to be used are in the the_richel_setup.pri project include file. Even though the tests may fail, one can still use those functions. And it is this main function that is being profiled by gprof.

The testing setup has one project file, The main function of this project is in the file main_test.cpp. The functions to be tested are in the the_richel_setup.pri project include file. The tests for the functions are in my_functions_test.cpp. Boost.Test is used as a testing harness. If a test fails, other tests are still performed, even if std::abort is called (by, for example, assert).

The normal run

The normal run uses the functions in the the_richel_setup.pri project include file. Because the tests are absent in this project, it can still be run when tests fail. The normal run is suited for profiling. Profiling only gives sensible results in release mode, which is tested for in the main function.


The main function just demonstrates some use of the functions in the my_function unit:

#include "my_functions.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
  #ifndef NDEBUG
  #error(one should not profile in debug mode)

  std::cout << is_odd(42) << '\n';
  std::cout << calc_mean( { 41.0, 42.0, 43.0 } ) << '\n';

main.cpp is part of, which encompasses the normal run. This file:

  • #includes some header files
  • tests that NDEBUG is #defined. NDEBUG will be #defined in release mode only. Being
    in release mode is a prerequisite for profiling.
  • demonstrates the functions is_odd and calc_mean. These are the functions we are interested in

The demonstration of the functions of interested is short. This is because of clarity only. In the end, this is the spot where to start your numerical calculations.

The files defines which files belong to the normal run project and how this should be compiled.

# Files
SOURCES += main.cpp

# C++14
CONFIG += c++14
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++14

# High warnings levels
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -Weffc++ -Werror

# Allow debug and release mode
CONFIG += debug_and_release

# In release mode, turn on profiling
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {


  # gprof

This project consists out of three files: main.cpp and the my_functions unit. Tests are absent in this build entirely.

C++14 is set to be the C++ standard used.

The warning levels are set to as high as possible: all GCC compiler warnings are enabled. And a warning cannot be ignored, as -Werror escalates a warning as an error.

Then debug and release modes are both enabled. This may be unexpected: the main function will not compile in debug mode. And that is exactly where is relied upon [NOTE 1].

In release mode, the NDEBUG flag is defined. This will compile the project in release mode. Among others, all asserts are removed from your code by the preprocessor.

Additionally, in release mode, the flags for profiling are enabled.

The test run

The test run tests the functions in the my_functions unit. In testing, all diagnostics can be enabled


Using Boost.Test has many advantages. One is that you do not need to write a main function by hand:

#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE my_functions_test_module
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

#ifdef NDEBUG
#error(one should not test in release mode)

That is great: one does not need to worry to include all tests. Boost.Test will detect all test cases itself and run these.

Next to this, there is a #ifdef that checks if the tests are run in debug mode. There is no reason to run tests in release mode.

The files defines which files belong to the test run project and how this should be compiled.

# Files
SOURCES += main_test.cpp my_functions_test.cpp

# C++14
CONFIG += c++14
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++14

# High warnings levels
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -Weffc++ -Werror

# Allow debug and release mode
CONFIG += debug_and_release

# In debug mode, turn on gcov and UBSAN
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {

  # gcov
  QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
  LIBS += -lgcov

  QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined
  QMAKE_LFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined
  LIBS += -lubsan

# Boost.Test
LIBS += -lboost_unit_test_framework

Next to the my_functions unit and the testing main, there is a my_functions_test.cpp file. This file contains all -how unexpected- tests.

C++14 is used at the highest warnings level. Warnings are escalated to errors.

Also this file allows for a debug and release mode, but the main_test.cpp file will check that the project will be compiled in debug mode.

The debug mode enables gcov and UBSAN. gcov allows for measuring code coverage, where UBSAN ('Undefined Behavior SANitizer') checks for undefined behavior. Testing will be slower due to this, be more thorough.

Lastly, there is a linking to the Boost.Test library.


This is the file in which the functions are tested:

#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

#include "my_functions.h"

  BOOST_CHECK( is_odd(1));

  const double measured{
    calc_mean( {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} )
  const double expected{2.0};
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(measured, expected);

  std::vector<double> empty;

There are three test cases, that can be recognized by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE and their label. These labels are checked to be unique and should inform about the test.

The first test case checks if is_odd returns false for a zero, and true for a one.

The second test case checks if the mean of one, two and three is indeed two, as should be the result of the calc_mean function.

The third test case checks if calc_mean throws an exception if it is given an empty vector. One cannot calculate the mean of zero values.

The my_functions unit

The my_functions unit consists out of a header file called my_functions.h and an implementation file called my_functions.cpp.

The functions therein are tested by the testing project and used by the normal run.


The the_richel_setup.pri project include file contains the filenames of the my_functions unit.

SOURCES += my_functions.cpp
HEADERS += my_functions.h

This file is where it is determined which files are in both the normal and testing project.

Would one like to add another, say, my_helper, these can be added here. This would then look like:

SOURCES += my_functions.cpp my_helper.cpp
HEADERS += my_functions.h   my_helper.h



#include <vector>

///Calculate the mean.
///Will throw if the input is empty
double calc_mean(const std::vector<double>& v);

///Determine if a number is odd
bool is_odd(const int i) noexcept;

#endif // MY_FUNCTIONS_H

This header file starts, as is common, with an #include guard.

The header file vector in #included and two functions are declared.

The function is_odd is noexcept, which is a C++11 (and beyond) syntax to designate that the function cannot, or will not, throw an exception.

Both functions are documented. Three slashes are used, so that a document generation like Doxygen will interpret these comments as documentation.


#include "my_functions.h"

#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>

bool is_odd(const int i) noexcept
  return i % 2 != 0;

double calc_mean(const std::vector<double>& v)
  if (v.empty())
    throw std::invalid_argument(
      "cannot calculate the mean"
      "of an empty vector"
  const double sum{
      000'000.0 //seperators are new to C++14
  return sum / static_cast<double>(v.size());

This implementation file defines the two functions.

The only noteworthy is that calc_mean uses seperators in the zero being used 000'000.0. This is allowed since C++14, ensuring that this project uses C++14, else it does not compile


This setup gives a lot of automatically generated goodies.


On Travis CI, the testing project is executed and the results are shown.

In this case, all tests pass. Would at least one test fail, Travis CI will display a failed build.


cppcheck is a static code analyser.


helgrind can be used to detect thread errors (for example, race conditions).


memcheck can be used to detect memory leaks.


On Travis CI, the normal project is profiled (using gprof) and the results are shown.

In this case, the profile is uninformative: all 0.0 seconds took place in the main function. When the main function starts taking a longer time to run, an informative profile will be shown.

Below I show a profiling log that is informative:

I show the profile for the top four functions. The top function, ribi::count_species has taken 27% of the complete runtime. It is followed closely by ribi::get_genetic_distance that took 26%. The two others took 9% and 6% of the complete runtime. Would there be a need to speed up the code, these are the functions that would be efficient to speed up.


On Travis CI, the code of boths projects is tested by OCLint, via the script do_oclint.

It can be seen that there is an ignore OCLint compiler warning and zero OCLint suggestions.

Below, I show an OCLint report that does have remarks:

In this case, OCLint states that a variable name is disallowed to be more than twenty characters. The locations in the code are shown. The Travis build will fail due to this.


Travis CI uses a tool called gcov and sends Codecov the code coverage.

In this example project, both files have a 100% code coverage. This means that all lines in the functions are tested.

Below, I will show an example with incomplete code coverage:

In this project, Codecov shows the code coverage of three files. The first file, daic_helper.cpp has a code coverage of 70%. The second file, daic_input.cpp does worse, with a code coverage of 50%. The third file daic_input.h does perfect again.

Clicking on the file that has least code coverage, daic_input.cpp, we can see that there is a file that is untested, called daic::save.

Thanks to Codecov, we can see this void in our testing suite.


This file is checked by proselint. proselint checks prose for style.

When adding proselint to this project, these errors were given:

I put these errors here as a picture, else proselint will complain.

Use it for your own work

Just clone/download this GitHub, put the code in a GitHub of your own and push. Get that green Travis build status first.

Then start modifying the filename and replacing the example functions by functions of your own.

It is easier to start from something that works, than to recreate it from scratch.


Where do I put additions?

I want to add a new function

  • Add the function declaration to my_functions.h
  • Add the function definition to my_functions.cpp
  • Add the function's tests to my_functions_test.cpp

To give an example, suppose a function that determines if a number is even needs to be added. The function is called is_even.

Add to my_functions.h:

bool is_even(const int x) noexcept;

Add to my_functions.cpp:

bool is_even(const int x) noexcept
  return !is_odd(x);

Add to my_functions_test.cpp:

  BOOST_CHECK( is_even(0));

Note that the implementation and tests are also just examples.

I want to add a new unit

  • Add the unit's header and implementation filename to the_richel_setup.pri
  • Add the unit's test implementation filename to

To give an example, suppose a class needs to be added to store odd numbers.

The class:

  • is called odd_number
  • its declaration will be stored in odd_number.h
  • its implementation will be put in odd_number.cpp
  • will be tested in the file odd_number_test.cpp

To add the odd_number unit to the setup, add to the_richel_setup.pri:

SOURCES += odd_number.cpp
HEADERS += odd_number.h

The testing must be added to

SOURCES += odd_number_test.cpp

With the files added to the correct project and project include files, the class odd_number can be developed similar as described in 'How do I add a new function?'.


This setup has always been under construction, as I always look for diagnostic tools to add. the_richel_setup started as part of the Travis C++ tutorial.

The addition of UBSAN is its newest addition. But I look forward to add valgrind to detect memory leaks, and to enforce a coding standard using clang-format.

Feel invited to suggest these additions to me by using an Issue or Pull Request.


This is my personal favorite setup. Me and my friends use it as a starting point. And then, I've seen them grow: all that feedback from tools, that you get for free, forces you learning seasoned/correct C++.

A lighter version is used in my Correct C++ course.


Note 1

An idea would be to add:

# In debug mode, do not compile
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
  error(Must not compile a profiling run in debug mode)

Alas, that will not work. Instead, the main function is relied upon.

I want to contribute


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