
Remote Files - A simple Arduino FTP client library (for all architectures)



Sometimes you might have the need to write (your sensor) data into a remote file or you might need more data than you can store on your local Arduino device for your local processing logic .

If your device is connected to the Internet this library is coming to your rescue: The FTP protocol is one of oldest communication protocols: It is easy to implement and therefore rather efficient and you can find plenty of free server implementations on all platforms.

This is a simple but powerful FTP client library for Arduino that provides a Stream based API for the remote files.

We support

  • The reading of Remote Files (File Download)
  • The writing to Remote Files (File Upload)
  • The listing of Remote Files and Directories
  • Creation and deletion of remote directories
  • Deletion of remote files


The initialization of TCP/IP is pretty much platform dependent. You just need to provide your platform specific client implemenation.

To set up the FTPClient you need to provide a network client for the commands and one for the data to the constructor:


    #include "WiFi.h"

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);


    #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

RP2040 W

    #include <WiFi.h>

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

Arduino Uno WiFi Rev.2, Arduino Nano 33 IoT etc

    #include <WiFiNINA.h>

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

Ethernet Shield

    #include <Ethernet.h>

    EthernetClient cmd;
    EthernetClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

Other Platforms

The initialization of TCP/IP is pretty much platform dependent. I suggest that you have a look at the network specific examples provided by Arduino, in order to find what includes and classes you need to use on your platform.


This is platform specific as well. On a ESP32 or ESP8266 e.g. the following login into the WiFi network is working:

    // connect to WIFI
    WiFi.begin("Network name, "wifi password");
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

    IPAddress localAddress = WiFi.localIP();
    Serial.print("Started with address ");

File Download - Reading Remote Files

You open a FTP connection to a remote host by calling the begin() method on a ArduinoFTPClient object where you pass

  • the IP address of your server
  • the userid to log into your server and
  • the related password

The open method provides a FTPFile for the indicated file name. The FTPFile is just a Stream so you have all reading and writing functionality available that you already know e.g. from Serial.

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

    client.begin(IPAddress(192,168,1,10), "user", "password");
    FTPFile file = client.open("/test.txt");
    byte buffer[100];
    while (file.available()>0){
        int len = file.read(buffer, 100);
        Serial.write(buffer, len);

After the processing you need to close the file with close() and the client with end() to release the resources.

File Download - Line Based

Instead of reading a bock of characters we can request to read a line (which is delimited with LF)

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

    client.begin(IPAddress(192,168,1,10), "user", "password");
    FTPFile file = client.open("/test.txt");
    char buffer[100];
    while (file.available()>0){
        file.readln(buffer, 100);

File Upload - Writing to Remote Files

You can write to a file on a remote system by using the regular Stream write() or print() methods. If the file alreay exists it will be replaced with the new content if you use the FileMode WRITE.

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

    client.begin(IPAddress(192,168,1,10), "user", "password");
    FTPFile file = client.open("/test.txt", WRITE_MODE);
    char buffer[100];
    for (int j=0;j<100;j++){
        sprintf(buffer, "test %d", j);

File Upload - Appending

You can also append information to an existing remote file by indicating the FileMode WRITE_APPEND

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);

    client.begin(IPAddress(192,168,1,10), "user", "password");
    FTPFile file = client.open("/test.txt", WRITE_APPEND_MODE);
    char buffer[100];
    for (int j=0;j<100;j++){
        sprintf(buffer, "test %d", j);

Directory operatrions

The ArduinoFTPClient supports the following directory operations:

  • bool mkdir(char *filepath)
  • bool remove(char *filepath)
  • bool rmdir(char *filepath)
  • FileIterator ls(char*directoryPath)

List Directory

The files of a directory are listed with the help of an Iterator.

    WiFiClient cmd;
    WiFiClient data;
    FTPClient client(cmd, data);
    client.begin(IPAddress(192,168,1,10), "user", "password");

    // list files
    for (auto file : client.ls("/"))  {


You can activate the logging by defining the Stream which should be used for logging and setting the log level. Supported log levels are LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARN, LOG_ERROR



We currently support only one open control session with one open data session. This means that you can not run multiple operations in parallel. E.g doing a download while the list directory is still in process.

If you execute a new command any existing running command is cancelled.



Please read the documentation first and check the issues and discussions before posting any new ones on Github.

Open issues only for bugs and if it is not a bug, use a discussion: Provide enough information about

  • the selected scenario/sketch
  • what exactly you are trying to do
  • your hardware
  • your software version (from the Boards Manager) and library versions
  • what exactly your problem is

to enable others to understand and reproduce your issue.

Finally, don't send me any e-mails or post questions on my personal website!


You can download the library as zip and call include Library -> zip library. Or you can git clone this project into the Arduino libraries folder e.g. with

cd  ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
git clone https://github.com/pschatzmann/TinyFTPClient.git

I recommend to use git because you can easily update to the latest version just by executing the git pull command in the project folder.

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