
MIT License



Get live throughput statistics of your NServiceBus endpoint performance.

Version compatibility

NServiceBus NServiceBus.SimpleStatistics Target
v5.x v1.x net452
v6.x v2.x net452
v7.x v3.x net452 / netstandard2.0

Please note that there might be versions targeting other NServiceBus versions. Please check the Releases for all versions. or check the root of the default branch of the repository.


The following features are provided:

  • Show high level statistics in the console title
  • Show detailed statistics in the NServiceBus log or configured NServiceBus logger

The detailed statistics shows statistics for various fixed periods.

The statistics are:

  • Processed successfully (Success)
  • Processing failures (Failure)
  • Total retrieved messages (Total)

The fixed periods are:

  • Average per second (Avg)
  • Total since start (Tot)
  • Current completed interval (Cur)
  • Interval maximums (Max)

Note that the interval is configuration but it is not possible to define multiple custom reporting intervals.

Log output example

The following is an example of the statistics written to the log at each reporting interval:

Avg> Success:        5 (100,00%), Failure:        0 (  0,00%) Total:        5 Period: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Duration: 198,90µs
Tot> Success:    1.479 (100,00%), Failure:        0 (  0,00%) Total:    1.479 Period: 0:00:04:15,1140000 Duration: 171,55µs
Cur> Success:        0 (  0,00%), Failure:        0 (  0,00%) Total:        0 Period: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Duration: NaNµs
Max> Success:       51 (100,00%), Failure:        0 (  0,00%) Total:       51 Period: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Duration: 141,87µs
Uptime: 00:04:15.1140000

Note that lines in log file are prefixed with timestamp and logger name.



Install the NuGet package NServiceBus.SimpleStatistics

Install-Package NServiceBus.Community.SimpleStatistics

Note that the package name contains Community. as Particular Software has enabled package suffic protection on NuGet.org

Drop in deployment

The assembly can be deployed without requiring to recompile. Recompile the process and the component will automatically be enabled by NServiceBus.


Settings can be configured via the app.config app settings;

    <add key="NServiceBus/SimpleStatistics/OutputConsoleTitle" value="True"/>
    <add key="NServiceBus/SimpleStatistics/OutputLog" value="True"/>
    <add key="NServiceBus/SimpleStatistics/IntervalMilliSeconds" value="15000"/>

Report to console title

Default: False (Disabled)

The OutputConsoleTitle settings controls if every report interval statistics will be updated in the console title.

The logic will append | Avg:{0:N}/s Last:{1:N}/s, Max:{2:N}/s to the existing title.

Title format

Note that if the title is updated with a different name that the title will be reset with the value used at startup.

Report to configured logger

Default: True (Enabled)

The OutputLog settings controls if every report interval statistics will be logged.

Reporting interval

Default: 3600000 (Hourly)

The IntervalMilliSeconds setting controls the reporting interval.