
💻📱🖥 Sass SCSS Responsive Media Queries Mixin for Eight Different Screen Sizes!

MIT License


⚡️ ReSass

ReSass (ResponsiveSass) creates responsive media queries for seven different screen sizes. These are based on min-width which means if x (x could be 240, 320, 480, 768, 1024, 1140, 1280, or 1500) is the size then your CSS will affect any device with screen width x and above.


ReSass CSS content goes inside {} brackets. These mixins should be used inside a class definition.

 @include r(240)  { }
 @include r(320)  { }
 @include r(480)  { }
 @include r(768)  { }
 @include r(1024) { }
 @include r(1140) { }
 @include r(1280) { }
 @include r(1500) { }

For example: The following CSS will hide the .header on screen width 320px and above.

.header {
   @include r(320)  { display: none; }

⚡️ Getting Started

Getting started is very easy.

  1. Download the raw resass.scss
  2. Import the resass.scss in your main .SCSS file → @import "path/to/resass";
  3. Now use any or all of the mixins inside a class' CSS.
  4. Here's a fun implementation at CodePen →

⚡️ License

MIT licensed. Content is copyright of


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