
Ready made development environment for Laravel 6.x using docker-compose

GPL-3.0 License


docker-compose for Laravel 6.x

Ready made development environment for Laravel 6.x using docker-compose.

Don't spent hours managing dependencies anymore. Just docker-compose and git - your laravel project will be up and running in minutes!

What's Included?

The environment is composed with the following services -

  • PHP 7.2 with fpm
    • All common dependencies for Laravel application
    • Composer
    • nodejs and npm for Vue.js and Laravel-Mix
    • ImageMagick + ghostscript (default) or gd (require uncommenting) for image operations
  • Nginx - Web server
  • MariaDB 10.2 - Database (drop-in replacement for MySQL with performance, stability, and openness)
  • Adminer - Light-weight database management frontend
  • MailHog - Receive emails for dev environment (Web and API based SMTP service)

How to use

I am assuming you have basic idea about how to work with git, docker and composer based PHP projects. Otherwise, following the steps may not be easy for you.

1. Clone this repository

You can clone it anywhere in your local machine or download as zip file.

git clone /tmp/docker-compose-laravel  

If you want to try with fresh Laravel project, check "Starting with fresh Laravel" below in Notes section before proceeding to the next step.

2. Copy required files to your project

Now, copy docker-compose.yml file and docker directory to project root of your laravel application.

cp -vr /tmp/docker-compose-laravel/docker* /path/to/my-project/
cd /path/to/my-project/

3. Adjust .env variables

Edit the .env file in project root and set the following values:



Alternatively you may update parameters in docker-compose.yml file and set .env parameters accordingly.

4. Get up and running

Start containers from project root directory

docker-compose up -d
# Check service status
docker-compose ps

If everything went OK, you should see something like this -

That means your Development environment is ready! But we have one more step before checking the live application.

5. Generic Preparation for Laravel application

These are generic steps to prepare any Laravel application, not specific to this Docker setup. But you need to run them from inside appropriate container. (You may ignore any of the following commands if not required for your project.)

docker-compose exec app composer install --no-interaction --no-suggest --no-progress --prefer-dist
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
docker-compose exec app php artisan db:seed

# Required for Vue.js and laravel-mix
docker-compose exec app npm install
docker-compose exec app npm run dev

# Cache configuration. Recommended for production environment
docker-compose exec app php artisan config:cache

Good News - Your project is live by now!

Check it here:

The information above can be different if you've modified parameter values in docker-compose.yml.

Important Notes

  • Starting with fresh Laravel

    If you have not started (or cloned) the project yet, you can start a latest Laravel project using ONLY git (no other dependencies):

    git clone my-project
    cd my-project
    cp .env.example .env
  • Updating PHP configuration

    docker/php/local.ini is being loaded with PHP ini of app service. So, if you need to modify/add any ini value, you can use this file.

  • Updating Nginx configuration

    All config files under docker/nginx/conf.d/ will be loaded by Nginx. You can modify/add files here to modify Nginx config. The application hosting is defined in app.conf of this directory. Check it to know log file locations and other configurations.

  • Updating Database configuration

    docker/mysql/my.cnf is being loaded with database configuration of db service. So, if you need to modify/add any configuration, use it.

  • Connecting database from other database client

    To avoid conflict with local MySQL (if any), database port mapped to 33061 for localhost. That means, if you want to connect the database inside container from a database client, you have to use 33061 port.

  • Selecting Image library

    ImageMagick and ghostscript is enabled by default. If you prefer GD instead, comment out ImageMagick section and uncomment GD section in docker/php/Dockerfile

  • Add/Remove/Modify services of docker-compose

    If you need to add/remove/modify any service anytime later (after docker-compose up), feel free to do. Just remember to run the following commands from project directory to apply your changes -

    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up --force-recreate --build -d
    docker image prune -f