
Laravel Dockerized is a complete, functioning production deployment to a VPS. We integrated Traefik to offload SSL to services allowing you to route more containers to your CNAME additions giving you full control of your services and domain from Docker. We also added a convenient CI/CD opportunity by allowing your own VCS additions.

MIT License



Laravel Dockerized is a Traefik integrated solution for the deployment of Laravel to production environments. Full walkthrough can be found here.

This is basically Laravel Forge, free, at your full control.


I put the application through Nessus to identify the web application CVE's and found the following:

  • HSTS Missing From HTTPS Server (RFC 6797)
  • SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32)
  • TLS Version 1.0 Protocol Detection

The newest release addresses these security issues.


Please visit Traefik documentation to see how to extend the Traefik capabilities and add additional CNAME's etc... It can be achieved using docker-compose.override.yml and adding more labels or by creating new directories with its own configuration!


  • Fail2Ban - See Fail2Ban to get this working
  • Traefik Nginx-Ingress
  • DNS ACME Propagation To Offload SSL
  • Laravel Dockerfile build (from VCS - can easily be added) with
    • NPM (Node) Latest
    • PHP 7.4.16
  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • Data persistence
  • Easy CI/DI Integration


  • I get a HTTP over HTTPS error Please see Issue #3 that solves this.

  • How can I disable CORS across domains? You can uncomment the laravel/nginx.conf comments and change the domain to your domain.

  • When will you support other providers? Supporting other providers is an adition that will come sooner than later - its just a case of adding the correct enviroment arguments to the Traefik container for your specific provider. Take a look at the docs and you can easily add your own providers, if supported.


Laravel Dockerized is an out-the-box solution for Traefik deployments over docker-compose.

If you do not require traefik then skip over step one.

Step One: Traefik

NOTE This container is built to use the godaddy provider. If you have an alternative DNS provider, you should read the Traefik Docs on using your provider. Simply read the linked docs, find the enviroment keys you need to use and ammend the docker-compose.yml file within the traefik directory to use them enviroment keys insteaad.

  • Configure your .env inside the traefik directory to consist of your provider API keys and any customisable options (by default all will work). Add your domain.tld also.

  • Inside the traefik directory, run:

    docker-compose up -d --build

Should you encounter any issues, you can run docker logs --tail=200 --follow traefik_traefik_1 to debug issues.

Step Two: Laravel - Traefik will need to be running

NOTE You will need to acquire your own Laravel VCS repository. I would suggest using SSH to make automation and CI/CD much easier.

  • Clone your repository inside the laravel directory and name it src - the Dockerfile looks for the src directory when building your image.

    # Replace with your website repository
    git clone [email protected]:laravel/laravel.git src
  • Edit your .env file for your laravel/src project to include the MySQL options that you can set in your laravel/.env. You can see an example in laravel/.example.production.env.

    NOTE Containers auto_discover DNS records - You must specify the "laravel-mysql" as the mysql host in your laravel/.env. Do not try use an IPV4 address.

  • Build your containers by running the following command:

    docker-compose up -d --build

Step Three: Installing dependencies & migrating

You can install Composer within your container by executing the composer install command and then run it with --no-dev.

NOTE The directory is volumed to your local machine so the composer file will not disappear meaning future builds will only require you to use composer install --no-dev. Ensure you quote the command otherwise Ubuntu will assume you're piping it over to PHP rather than passing it as input.

docker exec -u root laravel_laravel-php_1 "curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer && composer install --no-dev"

You can migrate/seed your database by executing the php artisan * commands within the container too.

docker exec laravel_laravel-php_1 php artisan migrate
docker exec laravel_laravel-php_1 php artisan db:seed

NOTE If your laravel/.env is in production, you need to pass the -it interactive flag or run with --force.

NOTE If you're using the default Laravel or your VCS does not copy .env because of .gitignore you can vim whilst inside a container or cp. Using the tutorial above, the Laravel repo:

docker exec -it -u root laravel_laravel-php_1 bash
:/# cp .env.example .env
:/# php artisan key:generate


You'll need to remove the symlink that is created from nginx to the /dev/stdout by using:

cd laravel
docker-compose up -d --build # if you have not done so already
unlink "`docker volume inspect --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}' laravel_nginx-log`/access.log" # unlink the access.log symlink to stdout
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate # recreate with new changes


Massive shoutout to @masseyb for his knowledge contributions to make this project available.