
Example using Docker, Nginx with auth-request module, and Django acting as a authentication wrapper around a Shiny app.

ISC License


Docker example with NginX + Auth-Request module proxying to auth-acting Django server for Shiny app

This is a Docker setup for a Django application acting as an authentication and authorization server for a Shiny application, through the NginX reverse-proxy and auth-request module.

  • We use NginX as reverse proxy.
  • We use auth-request module to add an authorization step for each request
    directed to Shiny.
  • The initial Shiny application main page is wrapped into a
    Django-powered page, so we can build an interface above Shiny,
    with user and access rights management.

A Makefile is available for convenience. You might need to use sudo make instead of just make because docker and docker-compose commands often needs admin privilege.


You need to install Docker and Docker-Compose.


sudo make all.


sudo make up.


make or make help.

Related blog post

Django application as an authentication / authorization server for Shiny


Software licensed under the ISC license.