
a cli tool to reduce your docker-compose overhead

MIT License



A simple CLI tool simplify docker based project administration. Not meant to replace anything, just reducing your CLI overhead.


Install it globally for quick access

$ npm i -g @crazyfactory/docker-project-cli

Optionally install it locally, to pin down versions if required.

$ npm i --save @crazyfactory/docker-project-cli


Configuration of DOPR can be done either via package.json under the dopr key or with a provided file defaulting to docker-project.json.

Default configuration:

  "file": ["./docker/docker-compose.yml"],
  "service": null,
  "exec": true,
  "actions": {
    "down": {
      "comment": "Stop and destroy the docker containers",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "exec": false
    "up": {
      "comment": "Bring the docker containers up and live",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "exec": false
    "pull": {
      "comment": "Pull the latest versions of docker containers",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "exec": false
    "start": {
      "comment": "Start the docker containers",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "exec": false
    "stop": {
      "comment": "Stop the docker containers",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "exec": false
    "ip": {
      "comment": "Print container IP address",
      "service": "@host",
      "command": ["docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' %args%"]
    "bash": {
      "comment": "Open the interactive terminal from default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"]
    "composer": {
      "comment": "Run the composer command in default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"]
    "node": {
      "comment": "Run the node command in default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "user": "node"
    "npm": {
      "comment": "Run the npm command in default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"],
      "user": "node"
    "git": {
      "comment": "Run the git command in default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"]
    "yarn": {
      "comment": "Run the yarn command in default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"]
    "php": {
      "comment": "Run the php command in default service container",
      "command": ["%action% %args%"]


  • This will relay up, down, start and stop to docker-compose -f <file> $params$
  • This will add custom commands like dopr bash ..., dopr composer ... and dopr optimize
  • The node will be launched with the user node by default.
  • This will use a different config if NODE_ENV is set to production or if dopr is with --env production.
  • The "file" value can be array or string.
  • Use dopr ip <container-name> to print the IP address of container.
  • To change service container for above default actions simply extend the node with override "service" only.

Sample configuration with all usecases:

  "actions": {
    "multiple-cmd": {
      "command": ["echo multiple command as array", "@nested-cmd arg1 arg2"]
    "nested-cmd": {
      "command": ["echo nested command %args%", "@deepnested-cmd --opt1 val1 --opt2 val2"]
    "deepnested-cmd": {
      "command": ["echo deep nested command %args%"]
    "host-cmd": {
      "service": "@host",
      "command": "docker-compose version"
    "composer": {
      "args": "install --prefer-dist --no-scripts",
      "command": "%action% %args%"


  • The "actions".[$key]."command" can be either array or string.
  • The command can be reused or recalled by prefixing it with @ (see sample above).
  • The command that should run in host context will need "service" value of "@host" (see sample above).
  • The action can optionally provide default arguments in "args" used to interpolate %args% when no other argument is provided (see "composer"."args" above).


docker-compose shortcuts

dopr will choose the correct docker-compose file for you and relay some of the most basic commands directly to docker-compose.

To start you project in deamon mode run

$ dopr up -d

You can similarly use down and stop, just like you would with docker-compose directly.

custom commands

You can add simple custom commands, but we add some by default. They are passed through to the service specified in your dopr configuration.

For instance to open a bash session just run

$ dopr bash

You can similarly access node, npm, git and composer like so

$ dopr npm run my-script

or so

$ dopr composer dump-autoload -o

Using the configuration you can add your own commands. If you want to use yarn for instance, simply add it

  "action": [

You can also specify a different service if required. So you can add shortcuts for other docker instances like mysql as well.

  "action": [
      "key": "mysql",
      "service": "mysql-service"


Copyright (c) 2017 Crazy Factory Trading Co. Ltd.

Licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more info.