



Table of Contents

Quick reference


(Rant, please feel free to skip ahead..)

While I myself am a person in the tech industry and deal with similar systems and tools on my day to day, I found the Linuxserver instructions in their README vary vague and required a high bar to entry in comparison to the simple plug and play effort that was required for the now deprecated Unifi Controller. I understand there were some issues maintaining the single image with the Unifi software and MongoDB, but by not specifying a recommended or suggested Mongo version, this now requires the end user to understand the nuances across the many compatible version. The biggest being, the changes between Mongo versions 5 to 6, on how the mongo command was change to mongosh. In addition, while should not be terribly difficult access the Docker host filesystem, having to prepare the init script and attach it as a volume just adds another thing for the end user to manage and think about. All of these nuances can compound into multifaceted issues that the user now need to debug. I understand it is not reasonable to expect Linuxserver, or any other developer, to cater to every possible end user's use-case, we could at least expect a base example that covers 80-90% of them. Anyway, this compose file aims to do just that while still attempting to support all the Mongo versions[^1].

[^1]: I have not verified that all version are working for myself. But version 5 and 6 seem to be working during my testing.


  • A system with Docker and Docker Compose installed and working.
  • A basic understanding on how to deploy docker-compose.yml files.

Quick Start

Copy the below command into any CLI. [^2]

Make sure to change MONGO_PASS and set MONGO_VERSION as needed.

[^2]: For the printf , curl and rm commands, Windows users may need to have GitBash installed or similar that provide these CLI commands.

printf "MONGO_VERSION=6.0.15\nMONGO_PASS=changeme" > .env && curl -Lf -o docker-compose.yml && docker compose -p unifi-network-application --env-file .env up --detach

Note: this docker-compose.yml uses Mongo version 6.0.15 by default, so specifying MONGO_VERSION above with the same is technically redundant.

Clean up left over files if needed with below command.

rm -f .env docker-compose.yml

Step by step

Create a new project directory

Create a new project directory and name it unifi-network-application. Here you will place the .env and docker-compose.yml files as detailed in the next steps.

Create the .env file

Download the .env.template file and rename it to .env or create an empty file.

Add/Change the following:

MONGO_VERSION=6.0.15    # Optional, if not provided uses default
MONGO_PASS=changeme     # Required

Change the MONGO_PASS to what every you want. And set the MONGO_VERSION to meet your needs or leave default.

Download Docker Compose Configuration File

Either download through your browser or using the command below:

curl -Lf -o docker-compose.yml

Launch Docker Containers

Open a CLI and make sure your working directory is in the same and the .env and docker-compose.yml, then run the this command:

docker compose -p unifi-network-application --env-file .env up --detach

Open Web App

Open your web browser and navigate to https://localhost:8443 or the IP/Domain of your host system.


To remove run the following command:

docker compose -p unifi-network-application rm --stop

Add option --volumes after rm to remove volumes as well.