
Build-Test Script and Docker image for os161 in University of Waterloo CS350 Operating Systems

GPL-3.0 License


Build-Test Script and Docker Image for CS350

  • Docker image: Minimalistic docker image with sys161 and os161 build tools, 24% smaller than other os161 images
  • os161 compile routines with options for looped tests and Tmux split screen GDB debugging
  • Built while taking the CS350 Operating Systems course at University of Waterloo
  • Not under active development as of Aug 9, 2017
  • Please or fork if you found this repo helpful


  • Login to a University of Waterloo server/terminal or install Docker on own machine
  • In Terminal, navigate to parent directory of where your os161 directory will be, then run:
    $ curl -s | bash -s
  • This will create folder structure, do clean install of os161, and download the Makefile and
  • There may be places such as in that you will need to edit the file and add your username...etc

Getting Started

  • If on your own computer within your os161 directory, start the Docker container with make
    • To build image from scratch, run make build or make rebuild (build without cached Docker images)
  • Compile and run os161 with ./ and any of the options below Options

  • default: builds from source, runs side by side with GDB in Tmux
  • -b - only build from source, don't run after
  • -c - continuous build loop
  • -d - output debug text when tests are run
  • -m - run with gdb tmux panels without rebuild
  • -r - run only (no gdb tmux or rebuild)
  • -t {} - run test {test alias}
  • -l {} - loop all following tests {#} times and log result in logs/ directory
  • -w - clear all logs

Included Tests | Test Aliases

  • Usage ./ -t {test name | test alias} -t {...
  • Usage (with loops) ./ -l {# of loops} -t {test name | test alias} -t {...
  • A1
    • l | lock - test locks with sy2
    • cv | convar - test conditional variables with sy3
    • t | traffic - A1 test for traffic simulation with 4 15 0 1 0 params
  • A2A
    • 2aa | onefork - uw-testbin/onefork
    • 2ab | pidcheck - uw-testbin/pidcheck
    • 2ac | widefork - uw-testbin/widefork
    • 2ad | forktest - testbin/forktest
  • A2B
    • 2ba | hogparty - uw-testbin/hogparty
    • 2bb | sty - testbin/sty
    • 2bc | argtest - uw-testbin/argtest
    • 2bd | argtesttest - uw-testbin/argtesttest
    • 2be | add - testbin/add
  • A3
    • 3a | vm-data1 - uw-testbin/vm-data1
    • 3b | vm-data3 - uw-testbin/vm-data3
    • 3c | romemwrite - uw-testbin/romemwrite
    • 3d | vm-crash2 - uw-testbin/vm-crash2
    • 3e | vm-data1 - uw-testbin/vm-data1
    • 3el | lvm-data1 - loop 5 x uw-testbin/vm-data1
    • 3f | sort - testbin/sort
    • 3fl | lsort - loop 5 x testbin/sort
    • 3g | lmatmult - testbin/matmult
    • 3gl | lmatmult - loop 5 x testbin/matmult
    • 3h | lwidefork - loop 5 x uw-testbin/widefork
    • 3i | lhogparty - loop 5 x uw-testbin/hogparty

Just the Docker Image

  • Already have Docker installed and want just an os161 image?
  • Download image with docker pull andrewparadi/cs350-os161:latest
  • Run with docker run -it -v {absolute local os161 src directory}:/root/cs350-os161 --entrypoint /bin/bash andrewparadi/cs350-os161:latest
