
Run a Vertcoin Electrum server with one command

MIT License



Run a Vertcoin Electrum server with one command

A Docker configuration with sane defaults for running a full Vertcoin node behind an ElectrumX server.


docker-compose up

This will pull the latest version of vertcoind and ElectrumX, start syncing the blockchain, generate an SSL certificate and start listening for secure Electrum traffic on port 55002.

All blockchain/vertcoind data will be stored in ./data/vertcoind and all ElectrumX data will be stored in ./data/electrumx. This is stored on the host machine and mounted in the docker container as a volume, meaning it will persist across reboots/updates/containers etc.

Is this secure?

Yep, this is built to have sensible, safe defaults out of the box. vertcoind JSON-RPC is only accessible from the ElectrumX container, it's never exposed to the internet, it's not even exposed to localhost. ElectrumX will generate a fresh SSL certificate on first boot and only listen for SSL traffic. Unencrypted traffic will be ignored.

How do I use an existing SSL certificate?

If there's an SSL certificate/key (electrumx.crt/electrumx.key) in ./data/electrumx, it'll be used instead of generating a new one.

I don't trust your images, how do I build them myself?

You can build lukechilds/vertcoind and lukechilds/electrumx yourself here:


MIT © Luke Childs