
A boilerplate for Express.js with TypeScript

MIT License


Express Boilerplate

A boilerplate for building scalable applications with Express.js and TypeScript.

Table of Contents


This boilerplate provides a strong foundation for building applications using Express.js and TypeScript. It follows best practices for code quality, structure, and development workflow. The repository also supports Docker and includes preconfigured Git workflows for streamlined project management.


  • Express.js with TypeScript: Combines the simplicity of Express.js with the type safety and scalability of TypeScript.
  • Docker support: Ensures consistent environment setups across different machines, simplifying deployment and scaling.
  • Centralized logging with Pino: A high-performance logger designed to handle heavy workloads with minimal overhead.
  • Error handling middleware: Built-in centralized error handling to manage different error types efficiently.
  • Unit and integration testing with Vitest: Fast and simple testing for both unit and integration tests.
  • API documentation with OpenAPI Swagger: Automatically generate API documentation from your codebase.
  • Validation with Zod: A TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
  • Linting and Formatting with Biome: Ensures code consistency and quality across the project.
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipelines: Automates testing, linting, and deployment workflows.
  • Semantic Versioning and Conventional Commits: Ensures a structured release process and maintainable commit history.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd express-boilerplate
  2. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Set up environment variables:

    cp .env.example .env


Running the Server

To start the development server, run:

pnpm dev

The server will start on the port specified in your .env file (default: 8080).

Building for Production

To build the project for production:

pnpm build

Then, to start the production server:

pnpm start

Running with Docker

Using Docker helps maintain a consistent development environment across machines. To build and run the project using Docker, use the following commands:

docker-compose up -d --build

Project Structure

├── .github/               # GitHub configurations for CI/CD and issue templates
├── .vscode/               # VSCode-specific settings for workspace
├── plugins/               # Custom plugins (e.g., Pino transports)
├── src/                   # Core application source code
│   ├── api/               # API routes and controllers
│   ├── bin/               # Application entry point (startup scripts)
│   ├── configs/           # Configuration files for logger, environment, etc.
│   ├── docs/              # API documentation and OpenAPI specs
│   ├── libs/              # Reusable libraries
│   ├── middlewares/       # Custom middleware logic
│   ├── models/            # Data models and schemas
│   ├── schemas/           # Validation schemas
│   ├── utils/             # Utility functions for the app
│   ├── validations/       # Business logic validations
│   └── index.ts           # Main server file
├── Dockerfile             # Docker configuration
├── compose.yml            # Docker Compose for multi-service applications
├── .env.example           # Example environment variables
├── LICENSE                # License file
├── package.json           # Project metadata and scripts
├── tsconfig.json          # TypeScript configuration
└──              # Project documentation


Testing is crucial to ensure code reliability and prevent regressions. This project uses Vitest for running unit and integration tests.

  • Unit Tests: Test individual units of code in isolation.

  • Integration Tests: Test the interaction between different units of code.

  • Test Files: Test files are located in the src directory with the .test.ts extension.

    pnpm test
  • Coverage Reports: To generate a code coverage report:

    pnpm test:cov
  • Watch Mode: To run tests in watch mode (ideal for active development):

    pnpm test:dev

[!TIP] Focus on writing tests that verify the behavior of the code, not implementation details.

Git Strategy


  • main: Reflects the production-ready state of the source code.
  • develop: Contains the latest delivered changes for the next release.


  1. Create a new branch from main for each feature or bug fix.
    • Use descriptive branch names with a prefix (e.g., feat/, fix/).
  2. Make changes and commit them.
  3. Push the branch to the remote repository.
  4. Create a pull request to merge the branch into develop.
  5. After approval, merge the pull request into develop.
  6. Create a pull request to merge develop into main.
  7. After approval, merge the pull request into main.

Semantic Commit Messages and Versioning

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and uses Conventional Commits to manage releases. Every commit message and version change should follow this standard:

  • fix: Patches a bug in your codebase (PATCH release) or a hotfix.
    git commit -m "fix(api): fix health check route"
  • feat: Introduces a new feature (MINOR release) or enhancement.
    git commit -m "feat(api): add user route"
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Introduces breaking changes (MAJOR release) that require a manual update.
    git commit -m "feat!(api): change user route to use UUID"
  • chore: Updates dependencies, refactors code, or makes other changes that don't affect the user-facing code.
    git commit -m "chore: update dependencies"
  • docs: Updates documentation, README, or other non-code files.
    git commit -m "docs: update README"
  • ci: Updates CI/CD configurations or workflows.
    git commit -m "ci: add GitHub Actions workflow"

GitHub Environments

GitHub environments empower you to manage deployment settings and configure workflows in GitHub Actions more effectively. This feature enhances the security, control, and visibility of your CI/CD pipeline. Below, you'll find a step-by-step guide to setting up environments and securely managing secrets, such as PAT_TOKEN, for Docker image builds.

Why Use GitHub Environments?

Using GitHub Environments offers several advantages:

  • Security: Secrets stored in environments are encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to workflows running within those environments.
  • Controlled Deployments: You can enforce rules for approval before deployments, ensuring that changes are reviewed before going live.
  • Environment-Specific Settings: Manage different configurations tailored for development, staging, and production, reducing the risk of errors during deployment.

Setting Up GitHub Environments

Follow these steps to set up GitHub Environments for your project:

  1. Navigate to Your Repository:

    • Open your web browser and go to your GitHub repository.
  2. Access Environment Settings:

    • Click on the Settings tab at the top of the repository page.
    • In the left sidebar, find and select Environments under the Security section.
  3. Create a New Environment:

    • Click the New environment button.
    • Provide a meaningful name for your environment (e.g., development, staging, production) to indicate its purpose.
    • (Optional) Configure specific rules, such as requiring manual approval for deployment, to enhance control over the process.
  4. Add Secrets to Your Environment:

    • After creating your environment, click on its name to access its settings.
    • In the Secrets section, click on Add secret.
    • Enter PAT_TOKEN as the secret name and paste your Personal Access Token into the value field.
    • Click Add secret to save the secret securely.

Using Secrets in Your Workflow

To utilize the PAT_TOKEN secret in your GitHub Actions workflow for building Docker images, reference the secret using the syntax shown in the example workflow below. You can find this configuration in your docker-image.yml file:

name: Docker Image CI

      - main
      - main

  contents: read
  issues: write
  pull-requests: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: development # Specify the environment

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # Log in to the GitHub Container Registry only on main branch pushes
      - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
        uses: docker/login-action@v3
          username: ${{ }}
          password: ${{ secrets.PAT_TOKEN }}

      # Add additional steps here (e.g., building and pushing the Docker image)

Best Practices for Managing GitHub Environments

  • Limit Access: Only grant access to environments to those who require it. Utilize branch protection rules to ensure that only specific users can deploy to production.
  • Review Approvals: For sensitive environments, set up an approval process to require reviews before deployments occur. This adds a layer of safety to your deployment strategy.
  • Monitor Usage: Regularly review and audit your environment settings and secrets to ensure compliance with best practices and security policies.

By following these guidelines, you can establish a robust and secure CI/CD process that enhances your development workflow while maintaining best practices for managing sensitive information.

Running the Server with Docker and GitHub Container Registry (

Login to GitHub Container Registry

Before running the Docker container, ensure you're logged into the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). Replace TOKEN and USERNAME with your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) and GitHub username, respectively:

echo <YOUR_PAT_TOKEN> | docker login -u <USERNAME> --password-stdin
  • <YOUR_PAT_TOKEN>: Your GitHub Personal Access Token with access to the container registry.
  • <USERNAME>: Your GitHub username.

You can create a GitHub PAT here, ensuring it has the read:packages scope.

[!NOTE] This step is required to pull the Docker image from the GitHub Container Registry for private repositories.

Run the Docker Container

Once logged in, run the Docker container using the following command. Be sure to replace the environment variables and image information with your specific values:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
    -e NODE_ENV="development" \
    -e PORT="8080" \
    -e HOST="localhost" \
    -e CORS_WHITELIST="*" \

Explanation of the Command:

  • -p 8080:8080: Maps the container's internal port 8080 to port 8080 on your machine.
  • -e NODE_ENV="development": Sets the NODE_ENV environment variable to development. Other options might be production or staging depending on your setup.
  • -e PORT="8080": Specifies the port on which the app should run inside the container.
  • -e HOST="localhost": Defines the host, typically localhost for local development.
  • -e CORS_WHITELIST="*": Allows all domains by using a wildcard for CORS. Adjust this according to your security needs.
  • -e API_KEY="uk6XUcp7Hj6f4O+w6b<O": An API key required by your application. Replace with your actual key.
  •<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>:<DIGEST>: Replace <USERNAME>, <REPOSITORY_NAME>, and <DIGEST> with your GitHub username, the repository name, and the specific image digest or tag (e.g., latest).
docker run -d --network host \
    -e NODE_ENV="production" \
    -e PORT="8080" \
    -e HOST="" \
    -e CORS_WHITELIST="" \
    -e API_KEY="superSecretAPIKey123" \

Verify the Container is Running

To check if your container is running, you can use the following command:

docker ps

This will display a list of all active containers. You should see your container listed with the port mappings (8080:8080 in this case).


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines in If you don't have this file, consider creating one with instructions for how to fork the project, make changes, and submit pull requests.

Additional Guidelines

  • Follow the coding style outlined in the Biome configuration files.
  • Use the PR template provided in the .github folder to ensure all necessary details are included when submitting a pull request.
  • Report issues using the provided issue template.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details by @MKAbuMattar.

Further Reading