
Pipelines - Run Bitbucket Pipelines Wherever They Dock

AGPL-3.0 License



Run Bitbucket Pipelines Wherever They Dock

Command line pipeline runner written in PHP. Available from Github or Packagist.

Usage | Environment | Exit Status | Details | References


From anywhere within a project or (Git) repository with a Bitbucket Pipeline file:

$ pipelines

Runs pipeline commands from bitbucket-pipelines.yml [BBPL].

Memory and time limits are ignored. Press ctrl + c to quit.

The Bitbucket limit of 100 (previously 10) steps per pipeline is ignored.

Exit status is from last pipeline script command, if a command fails the following script commands and steps are not executed.

The default pipeline is run, if there is no default pipeline in the file, pipelines tells it and exists with non-zero status.

To execute a different pipeline use the --pipeline <id> option where <id> is one of the list by the --list option. Even more information about the pipelines is available via --show. Both --list and --show output and exit.

Use --steps <steps> to specify which step(s) to execute (also in which order).

If the next pipeline step has a manual trigger, pipelines stops the execution and outputs a short message on standard error giving info about the fact. Manual triggers can be ignored with the --no-manual option.

Run the pipeline as if a tag/branch or bookmark has been pushed with --trigger <ref> where <ref> is tag:<name>, branch:<name>, bookmark:<name> or pr:<branch-name>[:<destination-branch>]. If there is no tag, branch, bookmark or pull-request pipeline with that name, the name is compared against the patterns of the referenced type and if found, that pipeline is run.

Otherwise the default pipeline is run, if there is no default pipeline, no pipeline at all is run and the command exits with non-zero status.

--pipeline and --trigger can be used together, --pipeline overrides pipeline from --trigger but --trigger still influences the container environment variables.

To specify a different file use the --basename <basename> or --file <path> option and/or set the working directory --working-dir <path> in which the file is looked for unless an absolute path is set by --file <path>.

By default pipelines operates on the current working tree which is copied into the container to isolate running the pipeline from the working directory (implicit --deploy copy).

Alternatively the working directory can be mounted into the pipelines container by using --deploy mount.

Use --keep flag to keep containers after the pipeline has finished for further inspection. By default all containers are destroyed. Sometimes for development it is interesting to keep containers on error only, the --error-keep flag is for that.

In any case, if a pipeline runs again and it finds an existing container with the same name (generated by the pipeline name etc.), the existing container will be re-used. This can be very useful to re-iterate quickly.

Manage leftover containers with --docker-list showing all pipeline containers, --docker-kill to kill running containers and --docker-clean to remove stopped pipeline containers. Use in combination to fully clean, e.g.:

$ pipelines --docker-list --docker-kill --docker-clean

Or just run for a more shy clean-up:

$ pipelines --docker-zap

to kill and remove all pipeline containers (w/o showing a list) first. "zap" is pipelines "make clean" equivalent for --keep.

All containers run by pipelines are labeled to ease maintaining them.

Validate your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file with --show which highlights errors found.

For schema-validation use --validate [<file>]. Schema validation might show errors that are not an issue when executing a pipeline (--show and/or --dry-run is better for that) but validates against a schema which is aligned with the one that Atlassian/ Bitbucket provides (the schema is more lax compared to upstream for the cases known to offer a better practical experience). E.g. use it for checks in your CI pipeline or linting files before push in a pre-commit hook or your local build.

Inspect your pipeline with --dry-run which will process the pipeline but not execute anything. Combine with -v (, --verbose) to show the commands which would have run verbatim which allows to better understand how pipelines actually works. Nothing to hide here.

Use --no-run to not run the pipeline at all, this can be used to test the utilities' options.

Pipeline environment variables can be passed/exported to or set for your pipeline by name or file with -e, --env and --env-file options.

Environment variables are also loaded from dot env files named .env.dist and .env and processed in that order before the environment options. Use of --no-dot-env-files prevents automatic loading, --no-dot-env-dot-dist for the .env.dist file only.

More information on pipelines environment variables in the environment section below.


A full display of the pipelines utility options and arguments is available via -h, --help:

usage: pipelines [<options>] --version | -h | --help
       pipelines [<options>] [--working-dir <path>] [--file <path>]
                 [--basename <basename>] [--prefix <prefix>]
                 [--verbatim] [--[no-|error-]keep] [--no-run]
                 [(-e | --env) <variable>] [--env-file <path>]
                 [--no-dot-env-files] [--no-dot-env-dot-dist]
                 [--docker-client <package>] [--ssh]
                 [--deploy mount | copy ] [--pipeline <id>]
                 [(--step | --steps) <steps>] [--no-manual]
                 [--trigger <ref>] [--no-cache]
       pipelines [<options>] --service <service>
       pipelines [<options>] --list | --show | --images
                 | --show-pipelines | --show-services
                 | --step-script[=(<id> | <step>[:<id>])]
                 | --validate[=<path>]
       pipelines [<options>] --docker-client-pkgs
       pipelines [<options>] [--docker-list] [--docker-kill]
                 [--docker-clean] [--docker-zap]

Generic options
    -h, --help            show usage and help information
    --version             show version information
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose, show more information and
                          commands to be executed
    --dry-run             do not execute commands, e.g. invoke docker or
                          run containers, with --verbose show the
                          commands that would have run w/o --dry-run
    -c <name>=<value>     pass a configuration parameter to the command

Pipeline runner options
    --basename <basename> set basename for pipelines file, defaults to
    --deploy mount|copy   how files from the working directory are
                          placed into the pipeline container:
                          copy     (default) working dir is copied into
                                 the container. stronger isolation as
                                 the pipeline scripts can change all
                                 files without side-effects in the
                                 working directory
                          mount    the working directory is mounted.
                                 fastest, no isolation
    --file <path>         path to the pipelines file, overrides looking
                          up the <basename> file from the current
                          working directory, use '-' to read from stdin
    --trigger <ref>       build trigger; <ref> can be either of:
                          tag:<name>, branch:<name>, bookmark:<name> or
                          determines the pipeline to run
    --pipeline <id>       run pipeline with <id>, use --list for a list
                          of all pipeline ids available. overrides
                          --trigger for the pipeline while keeping
                          environment from --trigger.
    --step, --steps <steps>
                          execute not all but this/these <steps>. all
                          duplicates and orderings allowed, <steps> are
                          a comma/space separated list of step and step
                          ranges, e.g. 1 2 3; 1-3; 1,2-3; 3-1 or -1,3-
                          and 1,1,3,3,2,2
    --no-manual           ignore manual steps, by default manual steps
                          stop the pipeline execution when not the first
                          step in invocation of a pipeline
    --verbatim            only give verbatim output of the pipeline, do
                          not display other information like which step
                          currently executes, which image is in use ...
    --working-dir <path>  run as if pipelines was started in <path>
    --no-run              do not run the pipeline
    --prefix <prefix>     use a different prefix for container names,
                          default is 'pipelines'
    --no-cache            disable step caches; docker always caches

File information options
    --images              list all images in file, in order of use, w/o
                          duplicate names and exit
    --list                list pipeline <id>s in file and exit
    --show                show information about pipelines in file and
    --show-pipelines      same as --show but with old --show output
                          format without services and images / steps are
                          summarized - one line for each pipeline
    --show-services       show all defined services in use by pipeline
                          steps and exit
    --validate[=<path>]   schema-validate file, shows errors if any,
                          exits; can be used more than once, exit status
                          is non-zero on error
    --step-script[=(<id> | <step>[:<id>])]
                          write the step-script of pipeline <id> and
                          <step> to standard output and exit

Environment control options
    -e, --env <variable>  pass or set an environment <variable> for the
                          docker container, just like a docker run,
                          <variable> can be the name of a variable which
                          adds the variable to the container as export
                          or a variable definition with the name of the
                          variable, the equal sign "=" and the value,
                          e.g. --env NAME=<value>
    --env-file <path>     pass variables from environment file to the
                          docker container
    --no-dot-env-files    do not pass .env.dist and .env files as
                          environment files to docker
    --no-dot-env-dot-dist dot not pass .env.dist as environment file to
                          docker only

Keep options
    --keep                always keep docker containers
    --error-keep          keep docker containers if a step failed;
                          outputs non-zero exit status and the id of the
                          container kept and exit w/ container exec exit
    --no-keep             do not keep docker containers; default

Container runner options
    --ssh                 ssh agent forwarding: if $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set
                          and accessible, mount SSH authentication
                          socket read only and set SSH_AUTH_SOCK in the
                          pipeline step container to the mount point.
                          run pipeline step container as current or
                          given <user>/<group>; overrides container
                          default <user> - often root, (better) run
                          rootless by default.

Service runner options
    --service <service>   runs <service> attached to the current shell
                          and waits until the service exits, exit status
                          is the one of the docker run service
                          container; for testing services, run in a
                          shell of its own or background

Docker service options
    --docker-client <package>
                          which docker client binary to use for the
                          pipeline service 'docker' defaults to the
                          'docker-19.03.1-linux-static-x86_64' package
    --docker-client-pkgs  list all docker client packages that ship with
                          pipelines and exit

Docker container maintenance options
      usage might leave containers on the system. either by interrupting
      a running pipeline step or by keeping the running containers
      (--keep, --error-keep)

      pipelines uses a <prefix> 'pipelines' by default, followed by '-'
      and a compound name based on step-number, step-name, pipeline id
      and image name for container names. the prefix can be set by the
      --prefix <prefix> option and argument.

      three options are built-in to monitor and interact with leftovers,
      if one or more of these are given, the following operations are
      executed in the order from top to down:
    --docker-list         list prefixed containers
    --docker-kill         kills prefixed containers
    --docker-clean        remove (non-running) containers with
                          pipelines prefix

      for ease of use:
    --docker-zap          kill and remove all prefixed containers at
                          once; no show/listing

Less common options
    --debug               flag for trouble-shooting (fatal) errors,
                          warnings, notices and strict warnings; useful
                          for trouble-shooting and bug-reports

Usage Scenario

Give your project and pipeline changes a quick test run from the staging area. As pipelines are normally executed far away, setting them up becomes cumbersome, the guide given in Bitbucket Pipelines documentation [BBPL-LOCAL-RUN] has some hints and is of help, but it is not about a bitbucket pipelines runner.

This is where the pipelines command jumps in.

The pipelines command closes the gap between local development and remote pipeline execution by executing any pipeline configured on your local development box. As long as Docker is accessible locally, the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file is parsed and it is taken care of to execute all steps and their commands within the container of choice.

Pipelines YAML file parsing, container creation and script execution is done as closely as possible compared to the Atlassian Bitbucket Pipeline service. Environment variables can be passed into each pipeline as needed. You can even switch to a different CI/CD service like Github/Travis with little integration work fostering your agility and vendor independence.


Features include:

Dev Mode

Pipeline from your working tree like never before. Pretend to be on any branch, tag or bookmark (--trigger) even in a different repository or none at all.

Check if the reference matches a pipeline or just run the default (default) or a specific one (--list, --pipeline). Use a different pipelines file (--file) or swap the "repository" by changing the working directory (--working-dir <path>).

If a pipeline step fails, the steps container can be kept for further inspection on error with the --error-keep option. The container id is shown then which makes it easy to spawn a shell inside:

$ docker exec -it $ID /bin/sh

Containers can be always kept for debugging and manual testing of a pipeline with --keep and with the said --error-keep on error only. Kept containers are re-used by their name regardless of any --keep (, --error-keep) option.

Continue on a (failed) step with the --steps <steps> argument, the <steps> option can be any step number or sequence (1-3), separate multiple with comma (3-,1-2), you can even repeat steps or reverse order (4,3,2,1).

For example, if the second step failed, continue with use of --steps 2- to re-run the second and all following steps (--steps 2 or --step 2 will run only the next step; to do a step-by-step approach).

Afterwards manage left overs with --docker-list|kill|clean or clean up with --docker-zap.

Debugging options to dream for; benefit from the local build, the pipeline container.

Container Isolation

There is one container per step, like it is on Bitbucket.

Files are isolated by being copied into the container before the pipeline step script is executed (implicit --deploy copy).

Alternatively files can be mounted into the container instead with --deploy mount which normally is faster on Linux, but the working tree might become changed by the container script which causes side-effect that may be unwanted. Docker runs system-wide and containers do not isolate users (e.g. root is root).

Better with --deploy mount (and peace of mind) is using Docker in rootless mode where files manipulated in the pipeline container are accessible to the own user account (like root is your user automatically mapped).

Pipeline Integration

Export files from the pipeline by making use of artifacts, these are copied back into the working tree while in (implicit) --deploy copy mode. Artifacts' files are always created by the user running pipelines. This also (near) perfectly emulates the file format artifacts section with the benefit/downside that you might want to prepare a clean build in a pipeline step script while you can keep artifacts from pipelines locally. This is a trade-off that has turned out to be acceptable over the years.

wrap pipelines in a script for clean checkouts or wait for future options to stage first (git-deployment feature). In any case, control your build first of all.

Ready for Offline

On the plane? Riding Deutsche Bahn? Or just a rainy day on a remote location with broken net? Coding while abroad? Or just Bitbucket down again?

Before going into offline mode, read about Working Offline you'll love it.

Services? Check!

The local pipeline runner runs service containers on your local box/system (that is your pipelines' host). This is similar to use services and databases in Bitbucket Pipelines [BBPL-SRV].

Even before any pipeline step makes use of a service, a service definition can already be tested with the --service option turning setting up services in pipelines into a new experience. A good way to test service definitions and to get an impression on additional resources being consumed.

Default Image

The pipelines command uses the default image like Bitbucket Pipelines does ("atlassian/default-image"). Get started out of the box, but keep in mind it has roughly 1.4 GB.

Pipelines inside Pipeline

As a special feature and by default pipelines mounts the docker socket into each container (on systems where the socket is available). This allows to launch pipelines from a pipeline as long as pipelines and the Docker client is available in the pipelines' container. pipelines will take care of the Docker client as /usr/bin/docker as long as the pipeline has the docker service (services: [docker]).

This feature is similar to run Docker commands in Bitbucket Pipelines [BBPL-DCK].

The pipelines inside pipeline feature serves pipelines itself well for integration testing the projects build. In combination with --deploy mount, the original working-directory is mounted from the host (again). Additional protection against endless loops by recursion is implemented to prevent accidental pipelines inside pipeline invocations that would be endlessly on-going.


Pipelines mimics "all" of the Bitbucket Pipeline in-container environment variables [BBPL-ENV], also known as environment parameters:

  • BITBUCKET_BOOKMARK - conditionally set by --trigger
  • BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER - always set to "0"
  • BITBUCKET_BRANCH - conditionally set by --trigger
  • BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR - always set to deploy point in container
  • BITBUCKET_COMMIT - faux as no revision triggers a build;
    always set to "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  • BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER - current username from environment or
    if not available "nobody"
  • BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG - base name of project directory
  • BITBUCKET_TAG - conditionally set by --trigger
  • CI - always set to "true"

All of these (but not BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR) can be set within the environment pipelines runs in and are taken over into container environment. Example:

$ BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER=123 pipelines # build no. 123

More information on (Bitbucket) pipelines environment variables can be found in the Pipelines Environment Variable Usage Reference.

Additionally pipelines sets some environment variables for introspection:

  • PIPELINES_CONTAINER_NAME - name of the container itself
  • PIPELINES_ID - <id> of the pipeline that currently runs
  • PIPELINES_IDS - list of space separated md5 hashes of so
    far running <id>s. used to detect pipelines inside pipeline
    recursion, preventing execution until system failure.
  • PIPELINES_PARENT_CONTAINER_NAME - name of the container name
    if it was already set when the pipeline started (pipelines
    inside pipeline "pip").
  • PIPELINES_PIP_CONTAINER_NAME - name of the first (initial)
    pipeline container. Used by pipelines inside pipelines ("pip").
  • PIPELINES_PROJECT_PATH - path of the original project as if
    it would be used for --deploy with copy or mount so
    that it is possible inside a pipeline to do --deploy mount
    when the current container did not mount. A mount always
    requires the path of the project directory on the system
    running pipelines. With no existing mount (e.g. --deploy copy) it would otherwise be unknown. Manipulating this
    parameter within a pipeline leads to undefined behaviour and
    can have system security implications.

These environment variables are managed by pipelines itself. Some of them can be injected which can lead to undefined behaviour and can have system security implications as well.

Next to these special purpose environment variables, any other environment variable can be imported into or set in the container via the -e, --env and --env-file options. These behave exactly as documented for the docker run command [DCK-RN].

Instead of specifying custom environment parameters for each invocation, pipelines by default automatically uses the .env.dist and .env files from each project supporting the same file-format for environment variables as docker.

Exit Status

Exit status on success is 0 (zero).

A non zero exit status denotes an error:

  • 1 : An argument supplied (also a missing one) caused the
  • 2 : An error is caused by the system not being able to
    fulfill the command (e.g. a file could not be read).
  • 127: Running pipelines inside pipelines failed detecting an
    endless loop.


Not finding a file might cause exit status 2 (two) on error because a file is not found, however with a switch like --show the exit status might still be 1 (one) as there was an error showing that the file does not exists (indirectly) and the error is more prominently showing all pipelines of that file.


Requirements | User Tests | Installation | Known Bugs | Todo


Pipelines works best on a POSIX compatible system having a PHP runtime.

Docker needs to be available locally as docker command as it is used to run the pipelines. Rootless Docker is supported.

A recent PHP version is favored, the pipelines command needs PHP to run. It should work with PHP 5.3.3+. A development environment should be PHP 7+, this is especially suggested for future releases. PHP 8+ is supported as well.

Installing the PHP YAML extension [PHP-YAML] is highly recommended as it does greatly improve parsing the pipelines file which is otherwise with a YAML parser on it's own as a fall-back and is not bad at all. There are subtle differences between these parsers, so why not have both at hand?

User Tests

Successful use on Ubuntu (16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS) and Mac OS X (Sierra and High Sierra) with PHP and Docker installed (incl. Rootless).


Phar (Download) | Composer | Phive | Source (also w/ Phar) | Project (Development)

Installation is available by downloading the phar archive from Github, via Composer/Packagist or with Phive and it should always work from source which includes building the phar file.

Download the PHAR (PHP Archive) File

Downloads are available on Github. To obtain the latest released version, use the following URL:


Rename the phar file to just "pipelines", set the executable bit and move it into a directory where executables are found.

Downloads from Github are available since version 0.0.4. All releases are listed on the following website:


Install with Composer

Suggested is to install it globally (and to have the global composer vendor/bin in $PATH) so that it can be called with ease and there are no dependencies in a local project:

$ composer global require ktomk/pipelines

This will automatically install the latest available version. Verify the installation by invoking pipelines and output the version:

$ pipelines --version
pipelines version 0.0.19

To uninstall remove the package:

$ composer global remove ktomk/pipelines

Take a look at Composer from getcomposer.org [COMPOSER], a Dependency Manager for PHP. Pipelines has support for composer based installations, which might include upstream patches (composer 2 is supported, incl. upstream patches).

Install with Phive

Perhaps the most easy way to install when phive is available:

$ phive install pipelines

Even if your PHP version does not have the Yaml extension this should work out of the box. If you use composer and you're a PHP aficionado, dig into phive for your systems and workflow.

Take a look at Phive from phar.io [PHARIO], the PHAR Installation and Verification Environment (PHIVE). Pipelines has full support for phar.io/phar based installations which includes support for the phive utility including upstream patches.

Install from Source

To install from source, checkout the source repository and symlink the executable file bin/pipelines into a segment of $PATH, e.g. your $HOME/bin directory or similar. Verify the installation by invoking pipelines and output the version:

$ pipelines --version
pipelines version 0.0.19 # NOTE: the version is exemplary

To create a phar archive from sources, invoke from within the projects root directory the build script:

$ composer build
building 0.0.19-1-gbba5a43 ...
pipelines version 0.0.19-1-gbba5a43
file.....: build/pipelines.phar
size.....: 240 191 bytes
SHA-1....: 9F118A276FC755C21EA548A77A9DBAF769B93524
SHA-256..: 0C38CBBB12E10E80F37ECA5C4C335BF87111AC8E8D0490D38683BB3DA7E82DEF
file.....: 1.1.0
api......: 1.1.1
extension: 2.0.2
php......: 7.2.16-[...]
uname....: [...]
count....: 62 file(s)
signature: SHA-1 E638E7B56FAAD7171AE9838DF6074714630BD486

The phar archive then is (as written in the output of the build):


Check the version by invoking it:

$ build/pipelines.phar --version
pipelines version 0.0.19-1-gbba5a43
# NOTE: the version is exemplary
Php Compatibility and Undefined Behaviour

The pipelines project aims to support php 5.3.3 up to php 8.1.

Using any of its PHP functions or methods with named parameters falls into undefined behaviour.

Reproducible Phar Builds

The pipelines project practices reproducible builds since it's first phar build. The build is self-contained, which means that the repository ships with all required files to build with only little dependencies:

Reproducible builds of the phar file would be incomplete without the fine work from the composer projects phar-utils (Seldaek/Jordi Boggiano) which is forked by the pipelines project in Timestamps.php by keeping the original license with the file (MIT), providing bug-fixes to upstream under that license (see Phar-Utils #2 and Phar-Utils #3).

This file is used to set the timestamps inside the phar file to that of the release as otherwise those would be at the time of build. This is the same as the Composer project does (see Composer #3927).

Additionally in the pipelines project that file is used to change the access permissions of the files in the phar. That is because across PHP versions the behaviour has changed so the build is kept backwards and forwards compatible. As this has been noticed later in the projects' history, the build might show different binaries depending on which PHP version is used (see PHP #77022 and PHP #79082) and the patch state of the timestamps file.

Install the Project for Development

When working with git, clone the repository and then invoke composer install. The project is setup for development then.

Alternatively it's possible to do the same via composer directly:

$ composer create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs ktomk/pipelines
$ cd pipelines

Verify the installation by invoking the local build:

$ composer ci

Should exit with status 0 when it went fine, non 0 when there is an issue. Composer tells which individual script did fail.

Follow the instructions in Install from Source to use the development version for pipelines.

Known Bugs

  • The command ":" in pipelines exec layer is never really executed but emulated having exit status 0 and no standard or error output. It is intended for pipelines testing.

  • Brace expansion (used for glob patterns with braces) is known to fail in some cases. This could affect matching pipelines, collecting asset paths and did affect building the phar file.

    For the first two, this has never been reported nor experienced, for building the phar file the workaround was to entail the larger parts of the pattern.

  • The sf2yaml based parser does not support the backslash at the end of a line to fold without a space with double quoted strings.

  • The libyaml based parser does not support dots (".") in anchor names.

  • The libyaml based parser does not support folded scalar (">") as block style indicator. Suggested workaround is to use literal style ("|").

  • NUL bytes ("\0") are not supported verbatim in step-scripts due to defense-in-depth protection on passthru in the PHP-runtime to prevent Null character injection.

  • When the project directory is large (e.g. a couple of GBs) and copying it into the pipeline container, it may appear as if pipelines hangs as the copying operation is ongoing and taking a long time.

    Pressing ctrl + c may stop pipelines but not the copying operation. Kill the process of the copy operation (tar pipe to docker cp) to stop the operation.


  • Support for private Docker repositories
  • Inject docker client if docker service is enabled
  • Run specific steps of a pipeline (only) to put the user
    back into command on errors w/o re-running everything
  • Stop at manual steps (--no-manual to override)
    --trigger pr:<source>:<destination>
  • Pipeline services
  • Run as current user with --user (--deploy mount should not
    enforce the container default user [often "root"] for project
    file operations any longer), however the Docker utility still
    requires you (the current user) to be root like, so technically
    there is little win (see Rootless
    for what works better
    in this regard)
  • Have caches on a per-project basis
  • Copy local composer cache into container for better
    (offline) usage in PHP projects (see
    Populate Caches)
  • Run scripts with /bin/bash if available (#17) (bash-runner
  • Support for BITBUCKET_DOCKER_HOST_INTERNAL environment variable
    / host.docker.internal hostname within pipelines
  • Count BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER on a per project basis (build-number
  • Option to not mount docker.sock
  • Limit projects' paths below $HOME, excluding dot . directory
  • More accessible offline preparation (e.g.
    --docker-pull-images, --go-offline or similar)
  • Check Docker existence before running a pipeline
  • Pipes support (pipe feature)
    • Show scripts with pipe/s
    • Fake run script with pipe/s showing information
    • Create test/demo pipe
    • Run script with pipe/s
  • Write about differences from Bitbucket Pipelines
  • Write about the file format support/limitations
  • Pipeline file properties support:
    • step.after-script (after-script feature)
    • step.trigger (--steps / --no-manual options)
    • step.caches (to disable use --no-cache option)
    • definitions
      • services (services feature)
      • caches (caches feature)
    • step.condition (#13)
    • clone (git-deployment feature)
    • max-time (never needed this for local run)
    • size (likely neglected for local run, limited support for
      Rootless Pipelines)
  • Get VCS revision from working directory (git-deployment feature)
  • Use a different project directory --project-dir <path> to
    specify the root path to deploy into the container, which
    currently is the working directory (--working-dir <path> works
  • Run on a specific revision, reference it (--revision <ref>);
    needs a clean VCS checkout into a temporary folder which then
    should be copied into the container (git-deployment feature)
  • Override the default image name (--default-image <name>; never
    needed this for local run)
