
netsoc docker talk 2019



Docker is probably the most used containerisation platforms in the market at the moment?

What's a container I hear you say, and by coming to this talk you'll hopefully end up learning about what they are and why you should use it.

It's more a tool used in industry for deployment of applications but with the soon coming NetSoc Containers-as-a-Service platform you will soon be able to host your own applications in containers, and then you'll never look back.


The talk will go as follows;

  1. Brief Introduction
    • What is a container
    • Containers vs VMs
  2. Getting started with Docker
    • Images vs Containers
    • Let's make a basic image
    • Using Apache Docker image for development
  3. Case Study of CIX
    • The dark ages of VMs
      • Issues regarding dependencies
        • Old deploy scripts didn't / don't properly update dependencies
      • Monolithic / Microservice
        • Old code all on single server
        • New stuff being deployed on multiple servers for load balancing / failover
      • Stupid issues
        • Server clock discrepencies causing issues with tokens >.>
    • The new age of Docker / Kubernetes
      • Dependencies are handled when building the image, not after deploying code
      • Once image is built, that's all that has to be deployed
      • Kubernetes clusters allow for load balancing, automatic rollout of upgrades to prevent downtime, failover etc
  4. Conclusion