
Cli Configuration to be worked on terminal and compatible with TTy based for Arch Linux


These are my dot files for Commandline Instance on my system. I use Arch Linux as My main OS and Zsh as my Shell and Tmux as my Multiplexer. The configuration highly uses Fzf and Vim style key binding and Starship for Shell Prompt.


yay -S fd ripgrep shellcheck-bin shfmt advcpmv bat lsd git glow urlview git-secret \
  starship tmux fzf zoxide ssh zsh zsh-completions-git \
  trash-cli xstow ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd 


Setup is done by using stow command. I use xstow a fork of stow command. This command will place the files in the correct location.

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/
xstow home -t ~
xstow bin -t ~/.local/bin
xstow .config -t ~/.config


.zshrc is in home Dir that contains all zsh related config. ~/.shell dir contains:

  • path file that adds all path's from the array to $PATH variable without cluttering it.
  • aliases file that contains all the aliases with utility fns.
    ~/.local/bin contains all the binaries required by the configuration.


Starship prompt

[!Note] I have a custom function in my zshrc to make my starship prompt Transient. (Transient) prompt is when the prompt is visible for only the current input and previous input just contains a symbol.


I have my fzf setted up via ~/.shell/fzf.zsh where i perform mapping for fzf and setup preview script. preview script can preview text files, list dir's and also show images in fzf preview pane.

Mapping Action
Ctrl-j Move down
Ctrl-k Move Up
Ctrl-t List files in current dir
Alt-c List dir in current location
Ctrl-r Search throught Hitory
Ctrl-/ Search for aur package with info to install
Ctrl-Alt-/ Search for aur package with info to remove
Ctrl-space (fzf list) Select in multiple Selection
Ctrl-/ (fzf list) DeSelect in multiple Selection
image image
image image


I have setted up my zsh using znap plugin manager. It makes plugin installation and completions management a breeze.

  • I use Vim mode for navigation in zsh. jk can be pressed in quick succession to switch in vim Mode.
  • Ctrl-Space is to complete throught the ghost text shown on the terminal.
  • In Completion option j,k,l,h vim navigations can be used.

[!Note] Nothing extra is required to be done zsh will automatically install everything.


I use yay as my aur helper. Below is the commnad to be setup yay to ignore annoying questions regarding installs. This will also force yay to check for git packages if they need rebuilding.

yay --save --answerclean "None" --answerdiff "None" --removemake --cleanafter --devel


Quick vim setup for TTY. if don't want to setup whole shell

curl > ~/.vimrc

  • Node
    • For Node js i recommend using fnm. My ~/.shell/path already includes it as in path i only need to install it.
  • Rust
    • Rustup for rust