
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us.

MIT License



My dotfiles and a nice script for managing them, based on a previously private home repo.

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. - Carl Sagan


Just run and everything will be symlinked to your home dir. If there are collisions with existing files they will be moved to ./backup/ (Always read through random scripts from strangers on the internet before executing)


We all feel strongly for our dotfiles, so why not share our love by sharing them?

These are my dotfiles that I use on a variety of hosts, from my desktop and laptop, to my servers and Raspberry Pi's.

Current setup

Now Past
DE/WM i3 xmonad, KDE
Browser firefox chromium
Terminal Alacritty terminator
Shell fish
Editor Neovim Vim, PyCharm (with vim-mode), Eclipse
Terminal multiplexer tmux screen
File synchronization Syncthing Dropbox
Archival/backup system git-annex

Thanks to...