
Configuration files for various programs.

GPL-2.0 License



Configuration files for various programs. Managed by GNU stow.

This repository currently contains configuration for the following programs:

Program Description
alacritty Currently my preferred terminal. GPU-accelerated and very pretty. Now with scrollback buffer by default!
bash Configuration for the /bin/bash shell, setting up aliases and environment variables.
compton Compositor for Xorg. Handles window transparency.
dunst Notification daemon with HTML-style formatting.
emacs I use spacemacs specifically.
git Alises and custom command configuration. I like the idea of using git for other stuff too.
i3 Tiling window manager. I switched over to xmonad a while ago when my i3 config started getting ridiculous to maintain.
LaTeX Document preparation and typesetting.
mutt Text-based email client for the command line.
polybar Status bar to replace i3status with something a bit more customisable.
ranger Terminal file explorer.
redshift Adjusts the colour temperature of the screen according to the surroundings.
rofi Custom prompts and program launcher using my own themes (replacement for dmenu).
tmux Terminal multiplexer. I don't use the multiplexing (xmonad is better for this), but detaching from remote sessions is cool.
(neo)vim Gradually being phased out in favour of spacemacs.
vis Music spectrum visualiser.
xmonad Tiling window manager. Uses a Haskell configuration file format. Alright if you like that sort of thing.
Xserver Windowing system on bitmap displays.
zathura My PDF viewer of choice.
zsh Shell with fancier features than bash.

There are also a number of setup scripts in the /setup directory.