
Harsh Kapadia's dotfiles.

MIT License



Harsh Kapadia's dotfiles.

Dotfiles Present


The setup script will symlink dotfiles to the current user's home directory and optionally install packages. The behaviour depends on the arguments with which the script is invoked.


./setup [--force-setup] [--install-pkg] [--help]

No arguments

  • Symlink all dotfiles to the current user's home directory.
    • Dotfiles that already exist in the current user's home directory will be
  • No packages will be installed.


  • For every Dotfile in the repository, delete the corresponding
    Dotfile/Symlink in the current user's home directory (if it exists) and then
    Symlink the Dotfile.
  • Requirement: Optional


  • Install packages and plugin-extras on supported OSs. Symlinking (setup) will
    be done after package installation.
  • Requirement: Optional, but note that some Vim plugins depend on packages to
    be installed to work.
  • Packages installed
    • bear (For YouCompleteMe Vim plugin)
    • build-essential (For YouCompleteMe Vim plugin)
    • clang-format (For formatting C files)
    • cmake (For YouCompleteMe Vim plugin)
    • curl
    • git
    • man
    • net-tools (For ifconfig)
    • nodejs (For prettier)
    • npm (For prettier)
    • python3
    • python3-dev (For YouCompleteMe Vim plugin)
    • shellcheck
    • shfmt (For formatting Shell/Bash scripts)
    • tmux
    • vim
  • OSs supported
    • Debian-based distros that support APT, like Ubuntu.
  • NOTE: shfmt is available only on Ubuntu >= v22 and so the script will fail
    on Ubuntu OSs less than that version.


  • Print this command usage instruction.
  • Requirement: Optional

Execution Instructions

# Navigate to the current user's home directory
$ cd ~

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Navigate to the dotfiles repository
$ cd ~/dotfiles

# Run the setup script
$ ./setup
# Or
$ bash setup
# Or with arguments
$ ./setup --force-setup --install-pkg

# Check changes
$ ls -al ~ # Symlinked dotfiles should be present
