
macOS (mostly linux compatible) dotfiles



This might be useful to turn this readme into a script:

  • sys prefs

  • turn on filevault

  • app store for OS updates [restart]

  • install brew

    • some helpful tips (incorporated below)

      /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
      mkdir ~/.homebrew_temp/
      brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
      # lua is for the neocomplete plugin vim plugin
      brew install reattach-to-user-namespace z ccat node tmux git zsh ack findutils bash shellcheck httpie jo mas autoenv coreutils cmake gpg rbenv yarn thefuck neovim python3 vale fd ripgrep fzf pgcli progress prettyping tldr bat hub gnu-sed grep
      brew install --cask gitify google-chrome firefox iterm2 phoenix istat-menus cloudup karabiner-elements flux sidestep bartender 1password alfred syncthing atext dash SensibleSideButtons
      # fonts
      # [Source Code Pro](
      # [patched fonts for terminal](
      # [Inconsolata-g](
      brew install --cask font-source-code-pro font-source-code-pro-for-powerline
      brew cleanup
      # viml linter
      pip3 install vim-vint --user
      # install for neovim
      # NOTE: installing RVM later might mean this will need to be re-installed
      sudo gem install neovim
      # install for deoplete in neovim
      pip3 install neovim
      # pip2 install neovim
      pip3 install diff-highlight
      pip3 install 'python-language-server[all]'
  • setup 1password

  • install oceanic-next iTerm theme (the main theme is in the sync folder)

    git clone ~/.config/oceanic-next-shell
  • follow install instructions for zprezto.

    # Clone the repository
    git clone --recursive "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto"
    # Create a new Zsh configuration by copying the Zsh configuration files provided
    setopt EXTENDED_GLOB
    for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^; do
      ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
  • syncthing: start and login

  • install github ssh keys

  • dotfile link

        cd ~ && git clone [email protected]:joeybaker/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles
        # NOTE: with symlinks and such, the zsh dotfiles might need to be moved to another location inside the `.zprezto` folder
        sh ~/dotfiles/ "my-computer-name"`
        git config --file .gitconfig.local user.signingkey /Users/joeybaker/.ssh/id_ed25519
        npm config set sign-git-tag true
  • Karabiner configs in dotfiles. Just open the app and all should be good.

  • configure git: edit ~/dotfiles/gitconfig.local with overrides. You can use ~/dotfiles/gitconfig as a reference. You may want to change the email locally.

  • Install vim plugins

    mkdir ~/.vim-tmp
    nvim +PlugInstall
    cd ~/.config/coc/extensions && yarn install --frozen-lockfile
  • Install tmux plugin manager git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

    • start tmux with tmux
    • then: <prefix> <shift-I>
  • sudo sh ~/sh/ "my-computer-name"

  • install nodejs & relevant global packages

    yarn global add supervisor nodemon ghwd ghcopy json trash-cli irish-pub localhapi diff-so-fancy concurrently alfred-npms alfred-github bash-language-server
    npm config set 'Joey Baker'
    npm config set '[email protected]'
    npm config set ''
    npm config set init.license Artistic-2.0
    npm config set init.version 0.0.0
    npm config set save-prefix "^"
    npm config set save true
    npm config set version true
    # sets the npm cache on an external volume so that we don't trash the builtin ssd
    # npm config set cache /Volumes/jbdb/npm
    # authorize ghcopy, will prompt
  • iterm2

    • link to preferences on Sync
    • ensure sourcecode pro powerline font is selected
  • alfred

    • license in 1P
    • setup sync folder
    • disable spotlight keyboard shortcut
    • change default keyboard shortcut
  • app store

    mas install 1365531024 #1blocker
    mas install 425424353 #The Unarchiver
    mas install 435410196 #stay
    mas install 975937182 #fantastical
    mas install 918858936 #airmail
    mas install 904280696 #things
    mas install 533696630 #webcam settings
    • 1blocker
    • Things
      • enable sync from 1P
      • enable global shortcut
      • enable dock badge count
    • stay
      • store windows
      • start on login
      • uncheck restore windows as applications are launched
    • fantastical
      • setup pwds for google accounts
  • istatmenus

    • register from 1P
    • change theme
    • customize widgets
  • system clock

    • 24 time
    • turn on date
    • set custom lang/date prefs for start week on Monday, etc…
  • flux

    • start at login
  • bartender

    • start at login
    • move select apps inside
  • github notifier

  • airmail: start and add accounts

  • phoenix: start

  • d/l and start

  • hosts file

    • sudo curl -sS -o /etc/hosts && dscacheutil -flushcache
  • sidestep

    • enable localhost
    • Network -> select device -> Advanced -> Proxies -> Bypass proxy settings: add "localhost"
  • Chrome:

  • setup time machine

  • Dash license from 1Password

  • increase the system file descriptor limits for dev


Create a new automator app to open files in vi

on run {input}
	set filename to POSIX path of input
	set cmd to "export BACKGROUND=light;clear;cd \"$(dirname " & quoted form of filename & ")\";nvim  " & quoted form of filename & "; exit"
	tell application "System Events" to set terminalIsRunning to exists application process "Terminal"
	tell application "Terminal"
		if terminalIsRunning is true then
			set newWnd to do script with command cmd
			do script with command cmd in window 1
		end if
	end tell
end run

Vim setup

  • ctrl-l with an autocomplete dropdown open will complete a snippet. Press again to skip to the next delimiter
  • leader-h previous tab
  • leader-l next tab
  • leader-j jump to definition in js
  • leader-f autofix file in js
  • leader-n clear search highlighting
  • leader-s save the file (works in insert and normal mode)
  • leader-yf copy the current file path
  • leader-c<space> toggle comment