
My dotfiles


My Dot Files

Fresh macOS Installs

Some of these scripts will need to be run manually on a fresh install. They may require manual intervention or be impractical to run regularly.

Clone Repo and Change Remote

git clone
cd dot-files

Change Default shell


On macOS:

sudo vi /etc/shells

Afterwards it should look something like:

# List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
# Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
# one of these shells.



chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash $USER

Trackpad and Dock defaults


Install App Store Apps

On my personal machines after I'm logged in to the app store:

brew bundle install --file=brew/mas

Hammerspoon Spoon Installer


Then double-click the SpoonInstall.spoon file. This fixes the following error:

Unable to load Spoon: SpoonInstall

Alfred Workflows


Run after Alfred has been installed. Confirm each install individually.

Alfred Nord Theme

Install Alfred Nord Theme

All Fresh Installs



Install plenv as well as the latest Perl version.





ctrl-a + L: toggle session ctrl-a + <space>: tmux which-key


  • prefix + r # reload config
  • prefix + I # install plugins


  • prefix + Ctrl-s - save
  • prefix + Ctrl-r - restore
  • rm -rf ~/.cache/tmux/resurrect - clear saved sessions


Remind myself of vim shortcuts etc.

  • :BCommits - git commits for the current buffer
  • :BLines - fzf lines in current buffer
  • :bn or ]b - next buffer
  • :bp or [b - previous buffer
  • [c and ]c - navigate to next changed hunk
  • <space>rn - LSP rename
  • crr - LSP code action
  • ctrl-l - clear highlighted search terms
  • ctrl-o - return to previous position in file
  • ctrl-w = - equalize width and height of all windows
  • ctrl-w m - toggle zooming of splits
  • ctrl-w r - swap splits
  • DiffviewOpen HEAD~1 - view diff. Probably follow with :colo iceberg
  • ]d - next diagnostic
  • [d - previous diagnostic
  • gc - toggle commenting on a visual selection
  • gcc - toggle commenting on line under cursor
  • gd - go to definition
  • :GenTocGFM - generate GitHub flavoured markdown table of contents
  • :GFiles - git ls-files | fzf
  • :GFiles? - git status | fzf with preview pane
  • :Gitsigns reset_hunk - reset hunk at cursor
  • gO - open a loc list with the table of contents for a help file
  • gr - get references
  • gwip - reflow a block of text and maintain cursor position
  • gx - in normal mode calls on whatever is under the cursor
  • <leader>gm - show commit message for line under cursor
  • :Lines - fzf lines in loaded buffers
  • :Maps - fzf normal mode mappings
  • :Splitrun precious tidy --git - run a command in a split
  • Terminals
    • Switch between windows via Ctrl-\ Ctrl-n and then Ctrl-w etc
    • :vert(ical) terminal - vertical split into a terminal. exit to
      close the terminal
    • :ToggleTerm to split into a terminal buffer
  • :w in a Git commit buffer to enable a typos linter check


When mouse is enabled, clicking in the terminal automatically sets it to normal mode.

  • :set mouse=a to enable mouse
  • :set mouse= to disable mouse
  • ctrl-a ctrl-m to toggle mouse in tmux


See akinsho/bufferline.nvim for buffer config.


:LspLog displays path to log file at the top

Print results of vim.lsp.log.get_filename():

:lua print(require('vim.lsp.log').get_filename())


Print location of state directory:

:lua print(vim.fn.stdpath 'state')

:h stdpath() for args that can be passed.


Lockfiles. For instance, if it can't update or install selene, remove: ./local/share/nvim/mason/staging/selene.lock


After Alfred and Dash are installed, click the Integration tab in Dash and then choose Alfred. If, for instance the HTTP Status Codes cheat sheet has been downloaded via Dash, this will then be available in Alfred using http to begin the search.


  • ctrl-e - open current line in $EDITOR
  • fc - open previous command in $EDITOR
  • fc 2009 - open line 2009 of history in $EDITOR


When using less as a pager for psql, you can pass less directives while viewing outpt.

  • -S toggle horizontal scrolling
  • -N toggle line numbers
  • 10 + arrow key will now advance horizontal scroll by 10 characters when
    arrow keys are pressed

gh -- GitHub CLI

  • gh pr status: status of all pull requests in repo
  • gh pr view 1234: view a single pull request
    • gh pr view --comments 1234: view pull request and comments
  • gh pr checks: get status of checks for a PR in current branch

Testing with Docker


docker-compose up


docker-compose run --rm app /bin/env bash

In the Docker container:

USER=root ./installer/ && ./

Docker bashrc

docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000                  \
-v "$HOME/dot-files/bashrc-docker:/root/.bashrc"  \
--volume $PWD:/sandbox                            \
python:latest bashrc



Launch Seal via hyper + space


hyper + space + cr OrePAN2

Slackify Name

Select name. Then: hyper + space + sl


Enter insert mode. Then hyper + space + xp