
Dotfiles, a monorepo, who is to know!!

MIT License


jade's repo

stuff you might want

unique ~reusable things I've made that are hosted in here

  • programs/ for compiled programs
    • nvimsplit -- use this as $VISUAL in your
      init.vim to open recursive invocations of the editor (e.g. git commit)
      inside the editor by calling the nvim RPC interface. Depends on neovim-git
      by accident and I've not backported it.
  • bin/ for scripts. highlights:
    • _cargo_doc_open -- links cargo docs into a web
      root then calls the browser
    • raisepid -- finds that !@#$# nvim that got lost behind
      a bunch of windows and is holding your file lock
    • cargo-play -- does local rust playgrounding and lets
      you upload the results. more info here.
  • vim-plugins/ -- vim plugins I maintain


I have dotfiles in here, which will run on more or less any linux. Configurations are provided for:


this is desktop agnostic, in general. however, some desktops have configs.

  • bspwm/sxhkd/aiopanel tiling wm setup
  • KDE (colours, mostly)


nvim, with a buncha vim-plug plugins.


zsh with prezto. Can be installed post-polkadots:

$ zsh ~/.zprezto/install.zsh


Install polkadots

$ pip install git+

Install the dotfiles

# go meta
ln -s ~+/configs/polkadots ~/.config/polkadots
# deal with the rest of them
polkadots -2

Set a wallpaper (bspwm env only)

ln -s ~+/wallpaper_orig.png ~+/wallpaper.png
# or
ln -s ~+/wallpaper_4-3.png ~+/wallpaper.png
