
Linux and Windows dotfiles with focus on CLI, minimalism & productivity

MIT License


Nikita Revenco Linux and Windows Dotfiles

My ideal linux and windows setup for development, designed for productivity


I usually forget why I install certain stuff so I keep note of all the packages in this table.

Language Specific tools

Package Purpose
nodejs lang
luajit lang
ruby lang
python lang
pnpm better npm
luarocks package manager for lua
dotnet-sdk lang
julia lang

General tools

Package Purpose
duf better df
bat better cat
dust better du
fzf fuzzy finder
onefetch git repo stats
fd better find
neovim editor
ripgrep better grep
tgpt ai prompt
sd better sed
yazi file manager
zoxide better cd
hyperfine benchmarking tool
yq yaml,json processor
wezterm terminal emulator
firefox browser
JetBrainsMono NF monospace font
flameshot screenshot software
git version control
gimp image editor
gron make json greppable
eza better ls
procs better ps
curlie better curl

Windows only

Package Purpose
clink give cmd.exe superpowers
uutils-coreutils gnu commands
sharex take screenshots

Linux only

Package Purpose
i3-wm tiling window manager
dmenu program runner
xorg-xinit x session starter script
xorg-server x server to run i3
noto-fonts-emoji render emojis
pulseaudio to make Volume Up,Down,Toggle keys work
brightnessctl to make Brightness Up and Down keys work
trash-cli like rm but we can recover
xclip clipboard manager
zsh shell
zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh plugin
zsh-autosuggestions zsh plugin
zsh-autopairs zsh plugin
fzf-tab-source use fzf for tab completion
boomer zoom in

Quick Setup

Installation command for packages

sudo pacman -S --noconfirm i3-wm dmenu xorg-xinit xorg-server pulseaudio trash-cli nodejs luajit ruby python pnpm luarocks dotnet-sdk julia duf bat dust fzf fd neovim ripgrep tgpt sd yazi zoxide hyperfine yq wezterm firefox git gron eza procs curlie zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions xclip brightnessctl noto-fonts-emoji flameshot ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd onefetch

Also install yay

sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si && cd .. && rm -rf yay

And install yay packages

yay -S --noconfirm boomer fzf-tab-source gimp-git zsh-autopair

This single command will generate Git SSH keys and copy them into clipboard so I can easily setup Git and GitHub on a new computer in just 2 seconds

mkdir -p "$HOME/.ssh" && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519" -N "" && cat "$HOME/.ssh/"

Now just clone this repo into ~/dotfiles (it needs to be there since all the env variables in wezterm.lua point to that place) and launch wezterm

git clone %USERPROFILE%\dotfiles

Create symlinks:

mkdir -p ~/.config/i3 && ln -s ~/dotfiles/ ~/.config/i3/config && echo "source ~/dotfiles/zsh.zsh" > ~/.zshrc

Install scoop (in my experience this is the best package manager for windows)

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser; Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression

Add buckets and install packages

scoop bucket add extras ; scoop bucket add nerd-fonts ; scoop install bat clink duf dust eza fd firefox fzf git gron JetBrainsMono-NF jq luajit neovim nodejs pnpm ripgrep sd wezterm yazi zoxide yq curlie hyperfine procs uutils-coreutils luarocks ruby tgpt julia dotnet-sdk gimp flameshot

Windows comes in with hundreds of packages I don't use and that slow down my computer. That's why I use the script below (win11debloat) which removes all those apps and if I ever need them back I can easily reinstall through the Microsoft Store

& ([scriptblock]::Create((irm "")))

In my wezterm.lua I set the env variables for all other apps, but the below command is required so that that config file can be loaded in the first place. It permanently sets the environment variable in the system

setx WEZTERM_CONFIG_FILE "%USERPROFILE%\dotfiles\wezterm.lua"
setx GLAZEWM_CONFIG_PATH "%USERPROFILE%\dotfiles\glazewm.yaml"

This single command will generate Git SSH keys and copy them into clipboard so I can easily setup Git and GitHub on a new computer in just 2 seconds

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh -Force; ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\id_ed25519" -N '""' ; type "$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\" | clip

Now just clone this repo into ~/dotfiles (it needs to be there since all the env variables in wezterm.lua point to that place) and launch wezterm

git clone %USERPROFILE%\dotfiles