
Database client for Pelias import pipelines


This repository is part of the Pelias project. Pelias is an open-source, open-data geocoder originally sponsored by Mapzen. Our official user documentation is here.

Pelias Elasticsearch database client

This module provides a Node.js stream for bulk-inserting documents into Elasticsearch.

Install Dependencies

$ npm install


This module returns streamFactory a function that produces a transforming stream. The stream puts documents into elasticsearch during import pipeline. Note: this stream triggers finish event only after all documents are stored into elasticsearch.

'use strict';

// some_importer.js

const streamify = require('stream-array');
const through = require('through2');
const Document = require('pelias-model').Document;
const dbMapper = require('pelias-model').createDocumentMapperStream;
const dbclient = require('pelias-dbclient');

const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
const config = require('pelias-config').generate();
const elasticDeleteQuery = require('elastic-deletebyquery');

const timestamp = Date.now();

const stream = streamify([1, 2, 3])
  .pipe(through.obj((item, enc, next) => {
    const uniqueId = [ 'docType', item ].join(':'); // documents with the same id will be updated
    const doc = new Document( 'sourceType', 'venue', uniqueId );
    doc.timestamp = timestamp;
    next(null, doc);
  .pipe(dbclient()); // put documents into elasticsearch

stream.on('finish', () => {
  const client = new elasticsearch.Client(config.esclient);

  const options = {
    index: config.schema.indexName,
    body: {
      query: {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
            {"term": { "source":  "sourceType" }}
          "must_not": [
            {"term": { "timestamp":  timestamp }}

  client.deleteByQuery(options, (err, response) => {
    console.log('The elements deleted are: %s', response.elements);


Please fork and pull request against upstream master on a feature branch.

Pretty please; provide unit tests and script fixtures in the test directory.

Running Unit Tests

$ npm test

Continuous Integration

CI tests every release against all currently supported Node.js versions.