
Common tests for Elasticsearch Clients

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Elasticsearch Clients Tests

This repository holds common tests for Elasticsearch Clients. The tests are specified using the Elasticsearch YAML format reported here.

All the tests are located in the tests folder. Each API endpoint has a folder containing the tests to be executed. All the files must be executed in order, they are enumerated with a digit prefix.

Test Sections


This section should define if a test is available for the stack client, serverless client or both with the following format:

  serverless: true
  stack: true

This helps us differentiate tests for a particular client and define tests in common for both.

setup and teardown

Pre-requisites to run a test (e.g. creating an index, populating an index with data) are declared in a setup section. The list of commands in the setup section has to run before the test section.

Cleanup is declared in a teardown section. This list of commands will run after the tests. Please add a teardown section to your test to remove any created artifacts and data. This will keep our test clusters clean and our test suite sane.

APIs Report

This report contains information from each specification:

It also contains information on test coverage in this project for Serverless and Stack APIs. The report is automatically generated when code is pushed in a GitHub Action. It can also be triggered manually. The source code for the report is in the ./report/ directory.

You can examine the data with an interactive Ruby console by checking out the code and running:

$ cd report
$ rake console
irb -r rubygems -I lib -r ./console.rb
 Reading and parsing specifications...
📜 Data loaded successfully. You can use the data via the `@reporter` object.
3.3.4 :001 >

Once in the interactive shell you'll have access to the data. You can run download_artifacts from the console to get the latest specification files. Take a look at Elastic::Reporter to learn about the available functions.

# Count all the endpoints
> @reporter.endpoints.count
 => 482
# Show first endpoint object
> @reporter.endpoints.first
#<Elastic::ApiEndpoint:0x00007f94abe7a698 @availability={"serverless"=>{"stability"=>"stable",
 "visibility"=>"public"}, "stack"=>{"since"=>"7.7.0", "stability"=>"stable"}} ,
 @test_serverless={:file=>"./tests/async_search/10_basic.yml", :line=>53},
 @test_stack={:file=>"./tests/async_search/10_basic.yml", :line=>53}>
# Show available namespaces
> @reporter.namespaces
 ["async_search", "cat", "ccr", "cluster", "connector", "dangling_indices", "enrich", "eql", "esql",
"features", "fleet", "graph", "ilm", "indices", "inference", "ingest", "license", "logstash",
"migration", "ml", "monitoring", "nodes", "query_rules", "search_application",
"searchable_snapshots", "security", "simulate", "slm", "synonyms", "tasks", "text_structure",
"transform", "watcher", "xpack"]
# Show experimental endpoints in Stack
> @reporter.endpoints.select { |e| e.stability_stack == 'experimental' }.map(&:name)

["cat.tasks", "connector.check_in", "connector.sync_job_check_in", "connector.sync_job_claim",
"connector.sync_job_error", "connector.sync_job_update_stats", "connector.update_active_filtering",
"connector.update_error", "connector.update_features", "connector.update_filtering_validation",
"connector.update_status", "features.reset_features", "fleet.msearch", "fleet.search",
"indices.disk_usage", "indices.downsample", "indices.field_usage_stats", "inference.delete",
"inference.get", "inference.inference", "inference.put", "knn_search",
"nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive", "nodes.get_repositories_metering_info",
"scripts_painless_execute", "search_application.delete_behavioral_analytics",
"search_application.get_behavioral_analytics", "search_application.post_behavioral_analytics_event",
"search_application.put_behavioral_analytics", "search_application.render_query",
"searchable_snapshots.cache_stats", "searchable_snapshots.clear_cache", "simulate.ingest",
"tasks.cancel", "tasks.get", "tasks.list"]