


Emulating end-user experience in different areas of Observability on clusters which are placed under significant load and evaluating whole-stack performance between different types of deployments. Most tests are designed to put together as many "heavy" areas (such as pages with multiple visualizations) as possible and navigate the user through several pages of a particular Kibana section, measuring the scenario duration.

Getting Started

Install Playwright.

Examine available test scenarios and required datasets. Have ideas for new user journeys? Check the guide for creating a new test.


Create .env file in the root directory with the following environmental variables:

TIME_UNIT = 'Minutes'
API_KEY = 'ApiKey ...'
REPORT_FILE = ../test-results/results.json

Verbose logging

To enable verbose logging, set the DEBUG environmental variable:

DEBUG = "pw:api"

Create alerting rules

In case there is a need to assess the impact of alerting rules execution on performance, it is recommended to create alerting rules before generating any data by running the following command:

npx playwright test alerting_rules.api.spec.ts --project api

Note: API key is required.

Running tests

By default, tests run in headless mode. To launch browsers in headed mode, use the --headed flag. It is recommended to run tests during ongoing data collection.

Run all tests

Specify project name (stateful or serverless) in the test command. Example:

npx playwright test --project serverless --headed

Run a specific test

Specify test name in the test command. Example:

npx playwright test apm.serverless.spec.ts --project serverless --headed

Run an authorization test

Execute serverless.auth.ts or stateful.auth.ts as follows:

npx playwright test serverless.auth.ts

API testing

To authorize access to Elasticsearch resources, pass your API key into API_KEY environmental variable. To run a suite of API tests, specify correspondent project name (api) in the following command:

npx playwright test --project api

Get Elasticsearch-friendly JSON test report

Playwright spits out JSON test reports that have nested structure, which not quite suitable for Elasticsearch - results for each test is a separate array with its own fields. The problem is nested field type is not supported in Kibana visualizations. To solve this, use this script to flatten and split a report by each test:

node utils\split_json_report.ts
  "title": "Infrastructure - Cluster Overview dashboard",
  "startTime": "2024-02-02T12:50:18.767Z",
  "status": "passed",
  "duration": 59414,
  "step01": 4351,
  "step02": 1064,
  "step03": 24160,
  "workerIndex": 1,
  "retry": 0,
  "errors": [],
  "timeout": 300000

Resulting files stored in the same directory as the original report.