
OTHER License



This repository contains assets, the objects dumped from the Stack as they are created when the package of an integration is there installed.

The assets update happens in an automated fashion driven by Github Actions CI.

Repository branches

There are a few branches:

main where the automation code resides

production staging snapshot where the assets reside, according to their release status

Repository layout


The automation expects the asset branches to be available in the assets/ subdir. Ex. if production assets need update, assets/production is expected to be present.

The CI flow manages the preparation of the assets/ subdir but the casual user needs to explicitly take care of it (ex. using git worktree add assets/production production).


Packages reside in the external repository package-storage, in the respective production, staging, and snapshot branches. The automation expects them in the package/ subdir, similarily to the assets.

The CI flow manages the preparation of the packages/ subdir but the casual user needs to explicitly take care of it (ex. using git clone -b production packages/production).


The update automation is located in the bot/ subdir.

The config.yaml file specifies what packages, versions and branches are tracked.

As example, the following configuation tracks the endpoint package on all the production, staging, and snapshot branches but ignores versions earlier than 8.x. Zoom package is only tracked on the production and staging branches but all the versions are included.

  - endpoint:
      minimum-version: 8
  - zoom:
       - production
       - staging

The bot adds new package versions as they are made available but never removes any. Ex: shifting endpoint's minimum-version to 9 will not delete any of the already dumped 8.x versions, it will simply ignore any new release until a 9.x is published.

Therefore assets removal can only happen with git rm <package>/<version> in the appropriate branch or from the GitHub UI.

Manual invocation

The automation has a few dependencies, you can install them as follows:

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Check that everything is set:

$ python3 -m bot
Usage: bot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  download  Download the assets of a given package
  meta      Print the meta info of all the stored assets
  plan      Print the update plan in a diff-like format
  update    Perform the assets updates