
Synthetic Monitoring with Real Browsers

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synthetics - v1.12.1 Latest Release

Published by obltmachine about 2 months ago

1.12.1 (2024-08-27)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update engine in package lock and release sharp update (#947) (c51c0b7)
synthetics - v1.4.0

Published by vigneshshanmugam about 1 year ago


  • Users now import devices directly from the @elastic/synthetics inside their journeys instead of importing from @playwright-core which might not work as expected when running project monitors #810
    // synthetics.config.ts
    import { devices } from "@elastic/synthetics"
    export default {
      playwrightOptions: {
        ...devices['Galaxy S9+'],
  • Headless option has been brought back to the CLI flags, Users can now disable headless mode by passing --no-headless flag options #813
  • Playwright version has been upgraded to 1.37 which includes Chrome version 116.0.5845.82 - #816

Bug Fixes

  • Now bundling project monitors also tracks changes in the imported files along with the changes made on journey files which will update the monitors correctly #802
  • Url and Auth flags has been made optional for locations command, Its only required if users are interested in listing their privateLocations #814
  • Update typescript typings for Kibana version #818

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synthetics - v1.3.0

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago

Potential Breaking Changes ❗

  • Tags and Match CLI flags have been removed when using the npx @elastic/synthetics push command since we never intended project monitors to have support for filtering when pushed to Synthetics Kibana app.

The main intention of Push command at any synthetics project was to deploy the current state of the monitors to our globally managed infrastructure. Any time we detect a change, whether its an Create or update/delete, the monitor status will get updated based on those changes. Having the ability to allow filtering during the deploy works against the model and brings in more problems. With that said, there are other ways to manage the synthetics monitors.

  1. Creating multiple synthetics projects or managing them under different folders where each project-a/synthetics.config.ts and project-b/synthetics.config.ts would have their own Kibana settings.
  2. Using multiple Kibana spaces for organizing the monitors.
     npx @elastic/synthetics push --space <name>

NOTE: Tags and Match for filtering are still supported when running the tests locally as we want the Synthetics runner to have the ability to grep and run any journey/tests.


  • Monitor tags can be configured for all project based lightweight and browser monitors either via the synthetics.config.ts file or using the monitor.use API.

      monitor: {
        tags: ["global1", "global2"]

    For Individual browser monitors we can use monitor.use(tags: ["local"]) or for lightweight monitors on the yml file.

     - type: http
          - tag1
          - tag2
  • Users can enable TLS and Status alerts for Project based lightweight and browser monitors. Alerts can be configured both globally via synthetics.config.ts file or on individual monitors #785 #795

      monitor: {
        alert: {
          status: {
            enabled: true,

    For lightweight monitors, it can be configured via the yml syntax.

     alert.status.enabled: true
     alert.tls.enabled: false

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synthetics - v1.2.0

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Playwright version has been updated to 1.35.0 which updates the Chromium browser to 115.0.5790.13
  • Browser console events including warn and errors are captured automatically for all iframes, popups etc which was missing previously. Console events in general are reported only reported when the synthetic tests fail #784

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synthetics - v1.1.0

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Parameters defined in the Synthetics config file, CLI flags will be sent as part of the Lightweight monitors for the kibana version >= 8.8.0 #725

Bug fixes

  • Use correct schedule when scaffolding projects using init command #771
  • Replace reference to the Kibana uptime app with Synthetics app #770


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synthetics - v1.0.0

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Lightweight monitors filtering will be applied based on the provdied --pattern, --tags, --match flags same as their browser journey counterparts #761
  • Synthetics codegen is updated with the latest playwright API enhancements from the recorder #757

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.46

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago

Breaking Changes

  • Network throttling via Chrome devtools emulation is deprecated and no longer gets applied to all any synthetic tests, If users have explicitly configured throttling in their tests, the settings will not be applied and might see the page loads quicker than before.
    Throttling will be re-enabled at later point, See the throttling docs for more details.

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.45

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Synthetics now waits for 50 seconds by default for all navigations and actions - Previously it was set to 30 seconds. This can be over-riden for all the tests by passing navigationTimeout and actionTimeout via PlaywrightOptions configuration
playwrightOptions: {
  navigationTimeout: 60000, // 60 seconds
  actionTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds

Existing synthetics journeys that have a explicit timeout on the locator and other playwright API's will not be affected.

await page.goto("url", { timeout: 1000}) // not affected
await page.locator(".test", {timeout: 1000}) // not affected
  • Capture network information for all requests when at least the first byte data is received. This helps in scenarios where the response was streamed and the test itself was timed out waiting for the load or other events

Bug Fixes

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.44

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Consolidate monitor schedule for both Lighweight and Browser monitor when using push command #724

Bug Fixes

  • Round off to the nearest schedule for lighweight monitors when running push command #732
  • Capture trace metrics including web-vitals for failed steps #739

Note: Playwright version is upgraded to v1.32.3

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.43

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid hanging on capturing network data #719
  • Drop network events once test runs to completion #720

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.42

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Add support for enabling/disabling alerts for monitors #713

Bug Fixes

  • Ignore recursively searching for yml files inside node_modules directory when pushing monitors #714

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.41

Published by vigneshshanmugam over 1 year ago


  • Add support for passing custom data-test-id via PlaywrightOptions, this would help in the tests for locating the element via the custom attributes via page.getByTestId #706
  • Update Playwright library to version 1.31.1

Bug Fixes

  • Add proper monitor field heartbeat.monitors to lightweight scaffolding template #696
  • Reword the --pattern option when help command is run #710
  • Require node version >= 18.12.0 for running synthetics tests #708

Full Changelog:

synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.40

Published by vigneshshanmugam almost 2 years ago


  • Move from ts-node to esbuild for transforming the TypeScript files at runtime. This includes journeys, synthetics config files which are .ts extensions and transform the files at runtime along with full source-map support. One of the advantage this provides is the ability to use the same esbuild API for both transpiling and bundling of the monitors #687
  • Use new Kibana Bulk API endpoints for pushing project monitors #649
  • Allow project based monitors to disable throttling via Synthetics config or by setting throttling: false #690
  • Prompt users before overriding Synthetics config file when init command is called multiple times inside a Synthetics project #688

Bug fixes

  • Update monitor in Kibana when when monitor content or config changes by generating unique hash #683
  • Handle when users throw error like objects inside journey #694

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.39

Published by vigneshshanmugam almost 2 years ago


  • Improve the performance of push command when monitors are created or updated by chunking the monitors #666
  • Add an example lightweight monitor yaml file when a new synthetics project is created via init command #650

Bug Fixes

  • Parse varying NDJSON chunked responses sizes from Kibana when the API endpoint is behind a proxy #665
  • Skip adding empty values for locations when creating new synthetics project using init command #658

Full Changelog:

synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.38

Published by vigneshshanmugam almost 2 years ago


  • Improve the validation of project monitor schedule for both browser and lightweight monitors. Error would be thrown if users would configure monitor schedule that are not supported. For lightweight monitors, we would save the schedule to the nearest supported schedule frequency #622

    Current allowed schedule values are 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes respectively.

  • Improve the push command experience by showing the monitor management URL link once the push has been completed successfully #637

Bug fixes

  • Pick the correct loader when bundling TypeScript or JavaScript journey files during push command #626

Browser version

Playwright version has been updated to 1.27.1

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synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.37

Published by vigneshshanmugam about 2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix an issue in newer versions of sharp by creating separate sharp instance to produce screenshots data #623

Full Changelog:

synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.36

Published by vigneshshanmugam about 2 years ago


Project based lightweight monitors

In addition to pushing Project based browser monitors to Monitor management UI, the agent now supports pushing existing lightweight monitors directly from the heartbeat.yml files #542. Users can directly import the existing heartbeat.yml files in to their Synthetics project and configure the required project settings (Kibana host, auth key, locations, etc.) and run the push command.

  1. Create a new Synthetics project using npx @elastic/synthetics init <dir-name> and configure the project related settings.
  2. Copy the existing heartbeat.yml files in to the synthetics project directory. Example
   // heartbeat.yml example
  - type: http
    enabled: true
    id: my-monitor
    name: My Monitor
    urls: ["http://localhost:9200"]
    schedule: @every 10m
    locations: ["singapore"]
    private_locations: ["private-1"]
    timeout: 16s
  1. Override the schedule, locations and private locations for specific monitors. Otherwise the defaults would be picked from synthetics.config.ts files.
  2. Run the push command SYNTHETICS_API_KEY=<key> npm run push

Browser version

  • Playwright version has been updated to 1.26.0, this means the tests will be run on Google Chrome/106.0.5249.30.

Bug fixes

  • Transfer size of network requests now includes both the response header and body sizes #615

Full Changelog:

synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.35

Published by vigneshshanmugam about 2 years ago


  • Agent now prompts a warning question in interactive mode when users attempt to run push command without any active monitors which would nuke an entire project #598
  • Users can suppress all prompt questions when running push command with --yes or -y flag #602
    SYNTHETICS_API_KEY="key" npx @ealstic/synthetics push --yes

Full Changelog:

synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.34

Published by vigneshshanmugam about 2 years ago


  • Synthetics push command now supports bundling external packages from node_modules folder for browser monitors, users can now use external packages utility packages like lodash, moment.js, etc, in their synthetics scripts and push them instantaneously to Kibana.

    Example journey code below using an external package is-positive from NPM.

    // test.journey.ts
    import { journey, step, monitor, expect } from '@elastic/synthetics';
    import isPositive from 'is-positive';
    journey('bundle test', ({ page, params }) => {
      step('check if positive', () => {

    If you run npm run push inside the synthetics project, we would bundle the whole journey file along with the package is-positive to make the experience smooth. However, there are a few caveats when pushing external modules.

    1. Packages that use native bindings will not work.
    2. Users cannot push bundles that are more than 800 Kilobytes.
  • Introduce configuring project monitor settings in the Synthetics config file Comes in handy when running push command, users would be able to configure project-related settings like projectId, kibana host, and schedule and save them for successive runs.

  • Support the SYNTHETICS_API_KEY env variable for Kibana authentication when pushing monitors to Kibana

Full Changelog:

synthetics - v1.0.0-beta.33

Published by vigneshshanmugam about 2 years ago

Bug Fixes

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