
Elixir language server extension based on elixir-ls for coc.nvim

MIT License



Elixir language server extension based on elixir-ls for coc.nvim.



  1. Make sure you've got elixir and mix available in $PATH.

  2. Inside (neo)vim run this command:

:CocInstall coc-elixir


  1. Make sure you've got elixir, mix and yarn available in $PATH.

  2. Inside your plug#begin/end block in your .vimrc (vim) or init.vim (neovim) file, after coc.nvim add:

Plug 'elixir-lsp/coc-elixir', {'do': 'yarn install && yarn prepack'}
  1. Get the latest elixir-ls release from here and unzip it into ~/.vim/plugged/coc-elixir/els-release (unzip -d ~/.vim/plugged/coc-elixir/els-release).


  • Go to definition support
  • Code completion
  • Inline diagnostic (Build errors and warning)
  • Documentation on hover
  • Smart closing of code blocks
  • Code formatter

Dialyzer integration

Coc-elixir will automatically analyze your project with Dialyzer after each successful build. It maintains a "manifest" file in .elixir_ls/dialyzer_manifest that stores the results of the analysis.

You can control which warnings are shown using the elixirLS.dialyzerWarnOpts setting in coc-setting.json, found at ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json, or use command :CocConfig to open configuration file. You can find available options in Erlang docs at section "Warning options".

To disable Dialyzer completely add setting:

  "elixirLS.dialyzerEnabled": false

You can also set the module attribute @dialyzer to show or hide warnings at a module or function level.

Mix environment and target settings

You can control the settings that ElixirLS uses for Mix environment and target using either the user coc-settings.json or a workspace configuration.

To change the Mix environment and target, add the settings:

  "elixirLS.mixEnv": "dev",
  "elixirLS.mixTarget": "test"


Server fails to start

Upon upgrading coc-elixir it is possible that the binary files were compiled using an OTP or Elixir version that differ from the ones you have installed. When this happens, the language server will fail to start.

You can build ElixirLS yourself to solve this:

Start by building a binary of ElixirLS from its source:

git clone ~/.elixir-ls
cd ~/.elixir-ls
mix deps.get && mix compile && mix elixir_ls.release -o release

Afterwards, create or update your coc-settings file and add this line:

  "elixir.pathToElixirLS": "~/.elixir-ls/release/"

To open your coc-settings file directly from Vim or Nvim, you can use this command:


Doing these steps should make this plugin work with CoC.

coc-elixir is installed correctly but doesn't work

Make sure filetype is set to elixir, or install vim-elixir which sets up file extension associations and syntax highlighting.
