
Quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell

GPL-3.0 License


#+STARTUP: showall

#+TITLE: eshell-up.el

[[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[]] [[][]]

Emacs package for quickly navigating to a specific parent directory in eshell without having to repeatedly typing cd ...

** Usage

Navigating to a specific parent directory is achieved using the eshell-up function, which can be bound to an eshell alias such as up.

*** Examples

To demonstrate how to use eshell-up let's assume that the current working directory of eshell is:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash /home/user/first/second/third/fourth/fifth $ #+END_SRC

Now, in order to quicky go to (say) the directory named first one simply executes:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash /home/user/first/second/third/fourth/fifth $ up fi /home/user/first $ #+END_SRC

This command searches the current path from right to left (while skipping the current directory, fifth) for a directory that matches the user's input (fi in this case). If a match is found then eshell changes to that directory, otherwise it does nothing. If, on the other hand, no argument is passed to eshell-up, this command simply changes to the nearest parent directory (like cd .. does).

It is also possible to compute the matching parent directory without changing to it. This is achieved using the eshell-up-peek function, which can be bound to an alias such as pk. When this function is used in combination with /subshells/ the matching parent directory can be passed as an argument to other functions. Returning to the previous example one can (for example) list the contents of first by executing:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash /home/user/first/second/third/fourth/fifth $ ls {pk fi} ... #+END_SRC

** Installation

eshell-up is available via [[][MELPA]]. To add it to Emacs execute the following:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp package-install RET eshell-up RET #+END_SRC

Now, put the following in your .emacs file:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp (require 'eshell-up) #+END_SRC

It is recommended to invoke eshell-up and eshell-up-peek using aliases as done in the examples above. To do that, add the following to your .eshell.aliases file:

#+BEGIN_SRC alias up eshell-up $1 alias pk eshell-up-peek $1 #+END_SRC

** Configuration (optional)

To make eshell-up searches case sensitive:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp (setq eshell-up-ignore-case nil) #+END_SRC

To print the matching parent directory before changing to it:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp (setq eshell-up-print-parent-dir t) #+END_SRC

** Testing

The test are written using [[][ERT]], and can be executed as follows:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp load-file eshell-up-tests.el ert t #+END_SRC

Alternatively, the tests can be run in batch mode:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash emacs -Q --batch -L . -l ert -l eshell-up-tests.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit #+END_SRC

** Credits

This package is inspired by [[][bd]], which uses bash to implement similar functionality.