
Experimental alternative shell for Emacs

GPL-3.0 License



tshell is an experimental buffer-oriented Emacs shell.

It is built around several basic ideas:

  • RET runs current line, so you can easily iterate on your one-liners
  • line prompt determines interpreter: $ for shell, > for elisp
  • output by default goes into a single *tshell-out* buffer
  • to get a named shell with history, write tshell buffer to a file, like ~/.tshell_history
  • contents of the *tshell-out* buffer can be easily used as input for commands
  • create shortcuts via transient


See https://imgur.com/a/dsdKG2D


git clone https://github.com/TatriX/tshell ~/.emacs.d/tshell
(use-package tshell
  :after transient
  :load-path "~/.emacs.d/tshell")


(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/tshell)
(require 'tshell)


There is a very rough completion support via fish-completion:

(use-package fish-completion
  (when (and (executable-find "fish")
             (require 'fish-completion nil t))
    (global-fish-completion-mode 1)))

Note that you need to have [fish](https://fishshell. com/) installed. You can also use bash-completion as a fallback for fish-completion.


Run M-x tshell. You can change interpreter by just editing prompt character:

$ # For example type `C-a C-k >` to get
> ;; elisp interpreter

If you want to create a new line without evaluating anything, type C-j or M-j.

Current working directory

Current working directory is determined as in any other buffer by the value of local default-directory variable:

> default-directory

It is shown in the header line. You can change it in multiple ways:

$ cd /tmp
$ pwd

Typing C-c C-d is equivalent to M-x cd. That means it uses your favorite completion mechanism!


You probably want to see the contents of the current directory quite often.

The easiest way to do that is to type C-c C-l.

Input/Output redirection

tshell does almost nothing to your command, so you can do pipes and redirections as usual:

$ cd ~/.emacs.d/tshell
$ # Here I show multiple lines, but actually I just edit the same line
$ ls
$ ls | grep el$
$ ls | grep el$ > /tmp/files
$ # And now open it
$ e /tmp/files

But most of the time you just want to pass contents of your *tshell-out* to the next command.

$ ls *md
$ > sed 's/md/org/' # Here I'm using `>` to send contents of the `*tshell-out*` to stdin of `sed`

If you realized that you need to rerun the command, you can either type C-p RET C-n to recreate desired input or you can undo changes in the *tshell-out* buffer.


To undo changes in *tshell-out* buffer you can run

: undo

or just switch to the *tshell-out* buffer and use your regular undo keybinding, like C-/.

History variables

Every time you evaluate a lisp command, result of the evaluation is stored in variable *

> (+ 13 69) # 82
> (+ 42 *) # 124

* is a regular elisp variable, so you can use it in any other context, like *scratch* buffer or M-x eval.


You can type C-c C-y to insert contents of the *tshell-out* buffer at point:

$ locate tshell | grep 'el$'
$ e # Type `C-c C-y`
$ e /home/tatrix/.emacs.d/tshell/tshell.el # `e` is a special command which opens file in the emacs buffer


You can customize how your prompt looks:

(setq tshell-shell-prompt "zsh>")
(setq tshell-elisp-prompt "elisp>")